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Healing Room

Welcome to Psychic Library’s Healing Room. In this room you can explore some of the many alternative methods of healing, such as acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki, Bach flower remedies, reflexology, aromatherapy, color, sound, crystal and gem therapies and more.

These healing modalities stem from those practiced in ancient cultures. There is a strong sense of spirituality throughout most healing approaches; however, many healing methods are not associated with a particular religious belief system. Today, some of these healing methods work in tandem with modern medicine, thus creating a greater benefit for the patient. Alternative healing therapies continue to be used as tools by those who are part of the spiritual and psychic realms.



The work of a psychic healer can be described as viewing a person through the psychic’s mind’s eye and looking at people’s energies with respect to their chakras, physical organs, auras or Akashic-record attachments. A psychic senses and identifies where someone’s energy needs unblocking. To do that, some psychic healers associate themselves with one or more guides, calling on their angels, spirit guides and a Divine power for assistance in their work. Because these assistants are not in the physical world, they can aid in obtaining a higher consciousness and ability; which helps the psychic to rebalance a person’s free-flowing energy and accelerate their healing.




The Webster’s New World dictionary defines empathy as: feeling, intellectual or emotional identification with another. The term psychic empath, derived from empathy, is being used more frequently in the psychic and paranormal realm, and it refers to a psychic individual who is so intensely sensitive to other people’s emotions, pains and energies that they experience them as their own. They can probe deeply into another person’s soul and identify and experience feelings that may have been blocked for some time or unknown reason. Like other psychic abilities, one may be born with it and it is often multi-generational. However, many people can acquire this after a near-death experience. It is also believed that everyone is born with some type of psychic powers, however much of this is still open to debate.




A labyrinth is a single geometrical winding pathway, usually acorn shaped, varying in size and used for personal, psychological and spiritual renovation. It is a sacred space with healing powers that can assist in meditation, prayer, self-awareness and connection with the Divine. Labyrinths have existed for more than 4000 years and have been an integral part of many ancient cultures and religions. During the time of the Crusades, people created and used labyrinths to symbolize the physical pilgrimage to the Holy Land. They have also been depicted on pottery and in woven fabric patterns. Some labyrinths are carved out in gardens or simply made of stones or gravel. If you do not have room to create your own walking labyrinth, you can use a drawing and trace its path with your finger. You can achieve the same benefits as walking through one. You might also try tracing the path using your non-dominant hand for an additional challenge.




The goal of Reiki is to begin the healing and relaxation process so the body can heal from within and restore unbalanced vital energy. Although individual results may vary, Reiki helps to reduce symptoms and can provide a cure, in some cases. Practitioners use their hands to channel and direct the energy (ki) through the body’s meridian centers, which consist of the chakras and pathways. The healing energies enter the practitioner and are channeled through their hands to the subject. Through touch, or holding the hands over the affected areas, healing begins. A Reiki treatment balances the yin and yang and facilitates the smooth flow of energy through the meridian system. There are many variations of Reiki; however, the basic principles are the same. The word ‘reiki’ is made up of two Japanese words: rei, which means ‘God’s wisdom’ or ‘higher power’ and ki, which means ‘life force’ or ‘energy.’ The origins of Reiki can be traced back thousands of years to ancient Tibet. In the early 1900s, the Reiki tradition resurfaced again in Japan through a dramatic discovery by Dr. Mikao Usui.




Acupuncture and acupressure are alternative medicine therapies and fall into the category of Asian bodywork therapy. In acupuncture, the technique involves placing and manipulating fine needles into specific points on the body to unblock the energy (chi) flow through specific channels or meridians in the body. This relieves pain, treats disease and promotes good health. Acupressure applies the same principles, but without the use of fine needles. Instead, the therapist massages the areas with the finger or thumb in a gentle but firm manner. The procedures typically last from 30 minutes to one hour and may involve multiple sessions. The chi gets blocked for either physical or psychological reasons. Both procedures stem from ancient Chinese medical practices. In the 1970s, the Western medical community began using acupuncture to supplement conventional medical treatments.




Reflexology is a type of massage technique performed on the hands, feet and ears; however, the ears are not as common an area. By applying direct pressure to specific points in those areas, corresponding organs in the body can be healed. The goal of modern reflexology is to balance the flow of energy and release energy blockages within the organs and the body. Foot and hand massages date back to early Egyptian and Chinese civilizations. Zone therapy, a technique introduced to the West by Dr. William Fitzgerald in 1915, in which the act of applying pressure to one part of the body would have a direct effect on another part, was the catalyst for the development of reflexology. In the 1930s, American physiotherapist Eunice Ingham developed the Ingham Reflex Method of Compression Massage, which is now known as reflexology. Ingham mapped out specific reflex areas on the foot that correspond to different organs in the body. She devised ways to apply varied pressure on those areas of the foot and hand to stimulate and heal the corresponding organs of the body.




Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is considered by some to be a controversial alternative medicine system. The system was founded by German physician, Dr. Samuel Christian Hahnemann, in the early 19th century. It is based on the theory that like cures, like a disease can be cured by the use of ingredients that produce similar reactions in healthy individuals; and “law of minimum dose”; the use of the lowest dose of the substance will produce positive cures. In fact, in many preparations, there are no traces of any molecules from the original substance.




Bach flower remedies are healing therapies for the mind, body and spirit that capture the energy from flower essences to alleviate depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia, to name a few. A Bach Flower therapist is trained to evaluate and recommend a particular remedy, depending upon the needs of the individual. Each flower essence represents a specific remedy and imparts a specific positive healing vibration to the person taking it. Remedies are taken orally and can be given to pets and children, as well as adults. To create the essences, the flower material is diluted in water, either warmed by the sun or boiled. The essences have very little scent or taste from the plant. The flower remedies were discovered in the 1930s by an English physician, Dr. Edward Bach. Bach theorized that negative emotions play a role in overall health and contribute to psychological imbalances and weakened immune systems. Bach’s remedies were derived from his own intuition, his psychic connection to the flowers. When he felt a negative emotion, he tested numerous flowers by holding his hand over the plant. If his negative emotion disappeared upon testing a certain flower, he assigned that plant as the cure for that negative emotion.




Aromatherapy is the practice of using aromatic plant extracts to revitalize and restore health. The two most common delivery-methods are inhalation and topical application. The third application is delivered orally, so precautions should be taken, as some oils may be toxic or harmful when ingested. There are approximately 150 essential oils used in aromatherapy. Each of these oils is believed to have specific properties that aid in the treatment of certain ailments and emotional problems. All living plants possess a unique energy, and by extracting a plant’s essential oil containing that energy, it can be used for healing. For example, some essential oil fragrances may have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, antibacterial or antidepressant properties.

Aromatherapy is a term coined by French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse in 1928, who discovered by accident that lavender oil healed his badly burned hand, with no blistering or scarring. That discovery led him to continue researching other essential plant oils and their medicinal, physical and psychological effects. The plant leaves, flowers, fruit, wood, and roots are used when extracting their oils.



feng_shui_baguaFENG SHUI

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science that has been practiced for centuries. It applies the principles of the earth elements to balance the energy (chi) in any location to create a positive atmosphere, which can bring on good fortune and the healing of mental and physical health. The practice of Feng Shui allows you to create a way to live in harmony with nature. It nurtures and enriches the balance between you and your immediate environment so that you will feel balanced and connected with the greater whole of the universe.




Color therapy (or chromotherapy) is a visual and vibrational healing modality. A color therapist uses light and color to balance the energies and chakras within the body and cleanse the human aura. Colors are visible forms of light and each color has its own specific healing property and frequency. Healing occurs through the vibrations that the colors transmit to the cells in the body. Keep in mind that we all respond to colors in different ways. The color therapist evaluates your response to certain colors and may change them in order to obtain more positive results. There are various techniques used in color therapy, but they all have been extracted from its ancient roots in Egypt, China and India.


Sound therapy uses sound to harmonize the mind, body and spirit. A sound therapist begins the healing process by locating areas in the body where the sound frequency is abnormal. Normalizing the sound frequency entails generating the sound of a healthy cell. Harmony or balance is achieved when the body and mind cell vibrations are in tune with each other, playing their coordinated symphony. The role of sounds for healing, particularly musical notes and drumming, resonates from many cultures around the world, such as in the traditions of shamanic drumming, Tibetan bowls, or Buddhist chants.




Candles have been lighting the way for thousands of years, being used by nearly all religions, cultures and individuals. They are symbols of celebration, mourning, calming, spirituality and the soul. Their power, combined with your own thoughts and desires can have a profound influence in your life and assist you in balancing and maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit. Candles also create a meditative and hypnotic mood. The candle flame offers a good focal point for reflection and meditation, as it sends out its own energies.

Candle color therapy can be used in many ways; meditation, Reiki, energy healing, chakra balancing and self-improvement. It can also be used cleansing, healing and strengthening the mind, body and spirit. In any way you choose to use them, the most important goal is to develop a higher awareness and consciousness. Color choice is of the utmost importance when burning candles because different colors vibrate at varying frequencies. These vibrations converge with your own energies and can assist you in manifesting your desires, balancing your auras and chakras and protecting you from negative energies.




Crystal and gem therapy is the ancient art of placing a corresponding stone directly on or over a specific part of a person’s body. They can also be laid out over the various chakras and within the body’s auric field. Crystals and gemstones, like all elements, contain energetic properties. These stones and their powerful energies have the ability to heal our bodies and heighten our spiritual lives by correcting unbalanced vibrations in the body. Their vibrational frequencies are believed to correspond to each of the chakras, as well as to the specific chakra color. Healers also use crystals in meditation and some people wear crystals to bring about certain desired traits. Others hold a specific stone in their hand to heal a physical or emotional condition and keep symptoms in check. Depending on a therapist’s preference and the efficacy of the stone on a particular individual, the category of stones chosen can differ greatly. In other words, crystals, gems and their energies are interchangeable depending on the healer and the ailment. Their first use dates back to Biblical times and throughout ancient Rome and Egypt.




The term Ayurveda is a combination of the Sanskrit terms “ayus”, meaning life and “veda”, meaning science or knowledge. It is a 5,000 year-old ancient Indian healthcare method that is still practiced today. More than 80 percent of the population in India uses Ayurveda, either alone or in tandem with traditional medicine. Ayurvedic medicine looks to treat the cause of disease, not just to treat symptoms. Taking responsibility for one’s own health is a key component, which includes a personal focus on diet, exercise, spiritual well-being and being in tune with your body.





Cristal* Bed (also known as Cristal Bath) treatments are performed all over the world, but the most well-known center for this powerful healing technique is the Casa de Dom Inacio. It is the healing sanctuary of John of God and is located in Abadiania, a small village in the center of Brazil.


The incredible healer Jo’o de Deus (John of God) is a full-trance medium, which means that when he is healing someone, he loses consciousness. An elevated spirit incorporates (enters his body) and uses his body to perform operations, treatments and cures of the physical and spiritual bodies. He has helped millions of people at the Casa de Dom Inacio.



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