Angel Room
Welcome to Psychic Library’s Angel Room, your personal sanctuary. In this room you will learn how to communicate with your angel guides and find out the archangel assigned to you at birth. You will also learn about spirit guides and animal totems. It is believed that angels existed before man and that they offer guidance and protection when called upon. Angels are referenced within all faiths, each having their own Divine purpose. We invite you to discover how the angels may have played a role in your life.

Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.
In fact, angels have no religion as we know it their existence precedes every religious system that has existed on earth.
St. Thomas Aquinas

For centuries, most cultures and religions have been fascinated with the concept of angels. They are described by a multitude of religious faiths and cited in many spiritual doctrines. The angels are commonly known as “beings of light” because of their awe-inspiring purity and power. A hierarchy exists within the angel realm. The Archangels are of the highest order, closest to God. The angel you are assigned at birth is an Archangel, however; many different angels work with you throughout your life. In addition, personal spirit guides are often referred to as angels.
Angels are here to help us bring goodness, peace, compassion and hope into our lives. They are pure love, and they remind us that in everyone there exists love. As divine helpers, they act by delivering messages or helping us when in need.
It has been said that the angel’s purpose is to be there when we face critical junctures in our lives. Angels guide us through our challenges and help us to navigate a smoother path. They do not take on all of our burdens and problems and make them disappear. They guide us toward a certain direction, but ultimately we must choose for ourselves which direction to take.

For centuries, cultures and religions have been fascinated with the concept of archangels and angels. They are described by a multitude of religious faiths and cited in many spiritual doctrines. All angels are known as “beings of light” because of their awe-inspiring purity and power.
A hierarchy exists within the angel realm. The Archangels are of the highest order, closest to God. The angel you are assigned at birth is an Archangel, however; many different angels work with you throughout your life.
Archangels are here to help us bring goodness, peace, compassion and hope into our lives. They are pure love, and they remind us that in everyone there exists love. As divine helpers, they act by delivering messages or helping us when in need. It has been said that the angel’s purpose is to be there when we face critical junctures in our lives.

Psychic abilities and intuition can be enhanced through communication with several specific archangels. Learning which ones to call upon will help you to open communication with the spirit world. In fact, many psychics find that these archangels help them deliver messages during readings. As part of their many other duties, the archangels listed below will assist and guide those who seek a higher form of communication with the divine, a heightened intuition and the ability to receive and deliver messages with clarity.
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is known as He who is like God, and is the leader and the most powerful of the archangels. Michael assists in clearing and balancing the chakras and eliminating negative energies so that you may receive divine messages. Ask Michael for protection from psychic attacks or from negative energies sent to you by other individuals, commonly known as psychic vampires.

To communicate with your angels, just start talking from your heart. Ask for their guidance and support throughout your everyday life. Ask for peace in life or just talk to them about how you feel or what you need. You cannot have anything unless you ask for it, and the same holds true for communicating with the angels.
Communication is a two-way process, someone talks, another listens. What the angels have to say does not need to be heard through audible words, nor do you require psychic abilities. To hear and understand them, all you need to do is listen. Some people meditate or pray in order to hear their angels.
It is believed that the angels have the miraculous ability to present themselves on Earth in human form. They do this in order to protect you from harm or to guide you toward a different path. Angels use meaningful coincidences to communicate. This is also known as synchronicity, which in short, are two or more occurrences that are not logical or causal, but they come together in a way that has deep meaning. Pay close attention to the synchronicities that occur in your life. They may contain the guidance and messages you seek.
Have faith, even if you feel it is difficult to hold onto. Communicating with your angels is a joyous drive on a road that will lead you to a better and more meaningful life.
Angel cards, also called oracle cards, are designed as a tool to assist you in communicating directly with the angels and guides who will send you inspiration, comfort, guidance, wisdom and affirmations to assist in your life’s journey. You do not need to be a psychic medium to connect with your angels. All you need to do is ask for their assistance, as they are always around you. Messages from your angels are given in a positive and loving way to give you the strength to make changes and choices in your career, relationships, or in any other aspect of your life in which you need assistance. A misconception exists that angel cards are the same as tarot cards. The only real similarity is that the cards can be laid out into spreads that resemble those used in tarot readings.
Angels help protect you and keep you safe. Have you ever sensed the answer to something that was bothering you, but you never verbalized it? Have you ever felt as though you have been given a specific message or direction in your mind that takes you on a different path? If you feel comfort during trying times or feel a sense of happiness when you are sad, could you be experiencing the power and presence of your guardian angel? There are steps you can take to hear the messages from your angels; however, you must believe the angels are there.
Divine communication occurs when you are prepared to listen and feel the presence. Place yourself in the reality that angels are trying to communicate with you all of the time. Have you ever felt that you needed to make a phone call, stop something from happening, or do something that you hadn’t planned? These are examples of angels directing thoughts toward you. Sometimes, the directions are clear and the outcomes are visibly understood. Other times, why you feel or act in a certain way is unknown.

It is believed that spirit guides, as well as angels and archangels, help to guide us through life. The thought is that spirit guides have lived many centuries before, and they are not necessarily related to us. These guides choose to remain close by on Earth to aid in various ways. They are around us for life.
Spirit guides are our link to the spirit world and to our spiritual awareness. Spirit guides exist as energies on a higher plane to watch over, protect, help and advise us through our lives. Just as we all have an archangel assigned to us at birth, we also have a spirit guide, which may not ever be revealed to us. However, throughout our lifetime, different guides may pop in and out to help with various needs. These are known as transitional guides.

Animals and humans inhabit the physical world together; therefore, they must also exist in the spirit world together. The spirit world is comprised of spirit guides, angels, archangels, ascended masters, departed loved ones and animal spirit guides. All of these beings help, protect, educate, heal and inspire you along your life path journey. In Shamanism, the world’s oldest healing tradition, the animal guides are known as power animals. Shaman practitioners receive a specific animal spirit guide from the spirit world that travels with them to offer insight and guidance and help them with their duties. They honor the wisdom and knowledge that each different animal imparts. In North American Native Indian culture, spirit animals are also commonly called animal totems. Both the animal totem and power animal are considered spirit guides.

According to Theosophical teachings, ascended masters reside in the spirit realm and are teachers of mankind. These beings have been here on Earth as human embodiments, but learned and mastered all of life’s lessons and mysteries. They continue to conduct their work from the other side and are very powerful beings.
After undergoing the ascension process, they have reached the highest state of spiritual awareness and from their place in heaven they serve all of humanity. The ascended masters come from ancient and modern civilizations and from all cultures and religions. They are equated with love and wisdom. For example, many consider Jesus, Moses and Buddha to be ascended masters.

Have you ever thought there is an angel watching over you? Many angels are around you throughout your life, but an archangel is assigned to everyone at birth. Archangels are of the highest order, closest to God and interact with all of us.

Angels Appear Everywhere

Among the angel realm there exists a definite hierarchy. Described below are the most commonly seen orders, as well as the divisions, angel hierarchies and functions. Many angels have duties within multiple triads and can appear in several choirs within the hierarchy. For clarification, the word “angel” is often used as both a generic term to describe all heavenly beings, as well as a term to describe those members closest to humans and the physical world. The same is true for the term “archangel,” which is commonly used to describe all of the higher beings within the heavenly realm, as well as a term to describe those in the realm charged with carrying God’s messages to humans.
So as not to disrespect any religious traditions or spiritual beliefs, Psychic Library has chosen not to specify the names of the angels assigned to each division. In our research, we found that there were many variations among the numerous religious and spiritual beliefs about their names and duties. View the chart below to get a better understanding of the hierarchy and duties of angels.

Spiritual Counselors
Seraphim |
Cherubim |
Thrones |
Connect the spiritual and physical realms; angels of intuition; divine |
Virtues |
Powers |
THIRD TRIAD OR SPHERE Heavenly Messengers
Guard continents, countries, cities, groups; angels of |
Archangels |
Angels |