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CAPRICORN December 22 – January 19



Practical, Prudent, Ambitious, Disciplined, Patient, Careful, Humorous and Reserved

Pessimistic, Fatalistic, Miserly, Grudging, Over Conventional and Rigid


Capricorns are ambitious, hard working and never lose sight of their goals. While the pragmatic Capricorn’s “one step at a time” approach to getting things done may not be all that interesting, it usually delivers results.


It is not uncommon for Capricorns to be arrogant and overbearing while on their march to success. Of course they will rationalize their behavior by saying a domineering nature is a trait of a born leader. Capricorns are industrious and detail oriented. They are not ones to take risks, which means they often have to wait for success. Being patient and confident they will succeed, the wait for glory is no problem for them.


Capricorns are traditionalist to the point of often seeming a bit stiff and out of sync. They are not ones to wander far from home or chase wild dreams. They are rational and never have bursts of emotions. Sometimes they can be a bit greedy, but their devotion to work and family offsets this easily. Although their ambition may seem limitless, Capricorns never resort to cheating to succeed. When success does come to them, they find it very fulfilling, because they attained it their way.


Because Capricorn is an earth sign, they tend not to trust their intuition. Their tendency to be logical and practical often leaves teir innate psychic abilities suppressed.


Lucky Numbers:

10, 28, 37, 46, 55

Planet: Saturn

Star Stone: Onyx

Element: Earth

Tarot Card: The Devil

Most Compatible With: Taurus or Virgo