Your Tree of Life Spread
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Your Highest Ideals


With The Bull comes strength, loyalty and determination.

Your Creative Power

Earth Reversed

Earth reversed denotes a lack of positive connection with the life spirit--a lost soul. If you are not careful you may miss much of what life has to offer you.

Your Wisdom

The Eight of Wands Reversed

Delay seems probable. Jealousy may become a problem.

Your Virtues

The Tower Reversed

The attainment of physical and spiritual freedom at great cost.

The Force of Your being

Five of Wands

There may be obstacles on your path. Courage will be required to overcome them.

Your Health, Beauty and Altruism

Page of Wands

This card represents courage and beauty, a quickness to love as well as anger. A carrier of tidings and information.

Your Loves, Lusts, Artistic Self and Instincts


Leo denotes the power to be a leader without becoming tyrannical.

You as a Procreator, Designer and Scientist

The Chariot

The Chariot implies victory and success. You will move forward and not allow any obstacle to stand in your way.

Your Imagination and Psychic Self

Eight of Cups

Roaming without a destination. Sadness with relationships. The abandonment of the material world.

Your Physical Self

The Western Emperor Reversed

This card represents a weak will, undeveloped leadership qualities, flamboyance, and the inability to learn from experience.

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