Your Past, Present, Future Reading
The three Animal Spirits in this reading represent your past, present and future situations.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
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That Which is Behind You

Your Current Place

That Which is before You

That Which is Behind You

Are you dreaming a dream that's big enough? If Lizard has appeared before you today, the gauntlet has been thrown down, the challenge made. Stop hiding your light beneath a rock—be willing to be bigger than life, to dream bigger than your imagination, to throw caution to the wind, and aim for the target you've spent a lifetime avoiding.



Your Current Place

Green Man
Green Man peers out of the foliage to remind you that not all of life's mysteries have logical solutions. Be open to magical opportunities, spirit allies, and unconventional paths. Get out into the wilderness, ground yourself in meditation, and listen for Green Man's wisdom. You may just catch sight of him eyeing you in his leafy camouflage.



That Which is before You

Panther medicine is the medicine of silence. Panther can stalk its prey in absolute silence—one of the reasons native tribes associate him with the spirit world—particularly the night. Panther can show you how to face the Shadow within and bring it out into the Light. Panther is powerful medicine—and the fact that you choose him says much about your willingness to face the unknown.



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