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Reference Room

Welcome to Psychic Library’s Reference Room. This room holds our psychic dictionary and psychic glossary, a compilation of information and terms on New Age and metaphysical topics from A – Z. Learn more about psychic terms, explanations of psychic abilities, Sanskrit translations, paranormal topics, holistic medicine and healing, forms of divination, meditation terminology and more. Our original glossary defines the terms used on our site and can be used to help you understand terminology you may come across elsewhere. We are continually updating our entries, and if you have any new entries or comments, please send them to



Acupressure: An ancient Chinese alternative medicine therapy that uses gentle but firm pressure with the fingers and thumb on specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of chi (life-force energy) through the meridians. Used for pain relief and to heal physical and emotional problems. (Read more.)


Acupuncture: An ancient Chinese alternative medicine therapy that involves placing fine needles on specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of chi (life-force energy) through the meridians. Used for pain relief and to heal physical and emotional problems. (Read more.)


Acutomancy” A “divination” that uses pins and needles. There are two types of techniques. One is tossing them on a flat surface and interpreting the patterns they form, or placing symbols on them and putting them into a container and picking out one at a time and interpreting the meanings of each symbol.


Affirmation: A positive, formal declaration that is repeated out loud or in written form to rid oneself of negative emotions and behaviors.


After-Death Communication (ADC): A phenomena in which the deceased contacts a living person. Types of ADCs reported include sensing a presence, hearing a voice, smelling a fragrance, feeling a touch, visions or physical signs and symbols. (Read more.)


Afterlife: The nonphysical world, which we occupy when we are no longer physically alive. “Eye-witness” accounts describing the afterlife from people who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) are well documented. (Read more.)


Akashic Record: A universal filing system that is on a nonphysical plane of existence. It holds all human incarnations, events, feelings, thoughts, deeds and intentions for the past, present and future.


Alchemy: A pseudoscience that attempts to change an ordinary substance into a valuable one by way of a magical power or process.


Alphabetical Typtology: A method of spirit communication in which the spirit makes a tapping sound when a particular letter of the alphabet is called out by the psychic in order to indicate a letter the spirit wanted to draw attention to or to spell out specific words or phrases. (See Typtology.)


Alternative Medicine: Any healing therapy, practice or product that does not fall into the category of conventional medicine. (Read more.)


Amulet: A stone, piece of jewelry or a small charm that is believed to protect against harm, evil, disease or negativity. It is considered to bring good luck. (See talisman).


Angel: A spiritual being of light, a messenger or guardian.

Animal communication: A telepathic communication between animals and humans. (See telepathy). (Read more.)


Animal Totem: An animal that symbolically serves as a spirit guide to lead us to a more simple, peaceful and spiritual life. Although usually associated with the Native American culture, animal signs are represented in all cultures. (Read more.)


Anomaly: Any incident or thing that is strange, out of the ordinary or unexplainable.


Anthroposcopy: Also known as face reading; the art of judging someone’s character by studying facial features.


Apollo Line: Also known as the Sun Line. In palmistry, it is a minor line on the palm that, when present, is an indication of success in an individual’s life. (Read more.)


Apparition: An unexplainable, ghostlike image of a person or animal, or the appearance of something not of this world.


Apport: The dematerialization and rematerialization of an object from one location to another. It can also be an object that seems to have appeared out of nowhere.

Archangel: The highest-ranking angel; messenger of the divine and protector of humans.


Arithmancy: divination done by interpreting the significance of numbers that was the precursor to numerology.


Aromatherapy: The practice of using aromatic plant extracts in the form of essential oils to revitalize and restore health. (Read more.)


Astral Aura: The fourth level of the human aura that represents a bridge to the spirit world and is a doorway to the astral plane. (Read more.)


Astral Body: After the physical body dies, this is the body in which you exist within the astral plane.


Astral Plane: It is part of the multi-dimensional series of planes surrounding us, which vibrates on a higher frequency than the physical plane. Angelsspirit guides and spirits transitioning to other planes reside here. (Read more.)


Astral Projection: Also known as astral travel; the experience of moving through different planes of existence and locations, in which the conscious self leaves the physical body.


Astral Travel: Also known as astral projection; the experience of moving through different planes of existence and locations, in which the conscious self leaves the physical body.


Astrologer: One who practices astrology.


Astrology: The study of the positions and movements of the sun, moon, planets and stars and how they deeply affect the world and influence events. That information is used to predict the future and distinguish personality traits relative to a person’s date of birth. There are three main types of astrology: Western, Chinese and Vedic.


Athame: A Wiccan ritual tool, a dagger. (Read more.)


Attachments: Also called spirit attachments, they are our past lives and experiences that we carry throughout life. They dictate the paths we choose. Attachments can be positive or negative. When possessed by negative attachments, they can be identified and sometimes removed through an Akashic record reading.


Augury: The practice of divination or a sign of an omen.


Aura: A band of colored “energies” surrounding every living thing that represents their life essence. It contains information about physical, emotional and spiritual health. Psychicsmediums and “healers” can see or sense the auras and are able to heal and cleanse unwanted “energies” within the body. (Read more.)


Autoscopy: Seeing a double of yourself or looking back at your body in an out-of-body experience (OBE).


Automatic Writing: Sometimes referred to as “spirit writing” or trance writing, it is a form of channeling and divination. It is the act of putting pen to paper and automatically and spontaneously producing writings or drawings without forethought or prior knowledge of what to write or draw. The writing can flow from a person’s subconscious mind; however, most often the spirit is given permission to send messages through the writer, who, at the time, is in a meditative or trance state of being.


Ayurveda: From the Sanskrit terms “ayus,” meaning life and “veda,” meaning science or knowledge. An ancient Indian health care method, based on the mind, body and spirit. (Read more.)




Ba: Ancient Egyptian belief that a person’s soul is eternal.


Bach Flower Remedies: An alternative medicine therapy that uses specific flower essences to alleviate negative emotions. In the 1930s, an English physician named Dr. Edward Bach used his own psychic connections to specific flowers to formulate his cures for a wide range of emotional conditions. (Read more.)


Banshee: A Gaelic term referring to a screaming female spirit, usually seen as an omen of death.


Bardo: An in-between state of being after death and before reincarnation, according to Tibetan Buddhist belief.


Barnum Effect: Named after the showman P.T. Barnum, known for his famous circuses. A technique performed by pseudo-psychics that exploits people’s gullibility to believe that a series of random, all-encompassing and vague statements have personal meaning for them, even though they apply to many people. The effect then gives the illusion that the pseudo-psychic has real supernatural powers.


Belomancy: Also known as bolomancy, a divination that uses arrows. One method is done by attaching three feathers to an arrow with the phrases “It is allowed”,” It is forbidden”and one that is blank. Which feather is up after it is shot into the air and lands determines the direction one should take. If the blank arrow turns up, an arrow is shot again. Another way to use the arrows with messages is to put them in a pack worn on someone’s back. Then one of the three arrows is randomly pulled to determine the answer.


Besom: A Wiccan ritual tool, a broom, used to ritually sweep the magic circle of unwanted energies. (Read more.)


Beyond: A term used to define all that exists and happens outside of the physical world.


Bhuta: Sanskrit word for spirit or ghost.


Bibliomancy – Predicting the future by selecting a random page from a book or sacred writings and interpreting the passage.


Bilocation: The phenomenon in which a person or object appears in two places at the same time. In the field of remote viewing, it refers to the mental consciousness of the remote viewer being in two places at once, the target location and the physical location, during the process of receiving impressions of the target.


Binaural Beats: An accelerated meditation technique and “brainwave entrainment” technology that uses two different sound frequencies played in each ear through headphones to create binaural tones and trick the brain into producing specific frequencies. These frequencies put the brain into a deep, relaxed state. These beats can be masked with music or white noise. (See Monaural Beats and Isochronic Tones).


Biorythym: A calculation of bodily sequences that influence our physical, mental and emotional states.


Birth chart: Also known as a natal chart or horoscope/astrological chart that calculates the positions of the stars and planets based on the date, time and place of birth for the purpose of gaining insights into a person’s personality traits and life path.


Black Magic: The use of magic to cast a spell with the intent to harm others.


Bobber: A dowsing tool; works like a horizontal pendulum but operates on a spring.


Bolomancy: or Belomancy. A divination that uses arrows. One method is done by attaching three feathers to an arrow with the phrases “It is allowed,” “It is forbidden” and one that is blank. Which feather is up after it is shot into the air and lands determines the direction one should take. If the blank arrow turns up, an arrow is shot again. Another way to use the arrows with messages is to put them in a pack worn on someone’s back. The one of the three arrows is randomly pulled to determine the answer. (See Belomancy).


Book of Shadows: A personal Wiccan book that contains information about covens, sacred writings, magic spells, rituals and beliefs. (Read more.)


Bracelet Lines: Also known as the Rascette Lines. In palmistry, these are minor lines on the wrist that are indications of longevity, health, destiny and prosperity. (Read more.)


Brainwave Entrainment: Also known as brainwave synchronization; it is a technology that can provide access to a person’s altered states of consciousness. During the technique, the brain is exposed to varying rhythmic pulses of sound that are similar to those frequencies the brain emits. The brain automatically entrains (or matches) those sound frequencies. For example, an alpha brainwave occurs at a particular frequency and is believed to bring about creativity and relaxation. If the recordings that your brain hears are in that same frequency range, you will become relaxed and experience creative insights. Various states can be achieved depending on the sound frequency your brain is given. (See Binaural BeatsMonaural Beats and Isochronic Tones).


Brainwave Synchronization: (See Brainwave EntrainmentBinaural BeatsMonaural Beats and Isochronic Tones).


Buddhism: A widespread religion founded in Far East India in the 5th century B.C. by Siddhartha Gautama. Its basic teachings are that enlightenment can only be achieved by eliminating earthly pleasures and the idea of self. Enlightenment is known as nirvana and is achieved by following the Noble Eightfold Path, a moral code with specific meditation rituals to transform the mind.




Capnomancy: A divination using smoke, also known as Libanomancy and Thurifumia. The smoke is interpreted as it rises from a fire. The source of the fire can be from a built fire, candle or incense. If the smoke rises straight up it infers a positive answer; if it hangs over the fire it infers a negative answer. When using a lit candle, the interpretation is derived from which direction the smoke moves after it is blown out. If it moves to the right it is a positive answer and to the left it is a negative one.


Cartomancy: A divination that interprets selected playing cards to predict the past, present and future.


Casting: A technique used in divination where small objects, such as RunesI-Ching coins, rocks, etc., are tossed onto a flat surface and the landing positions are interpreted to predict the past, present and future. Casting is also a term used for carrying out a spell.


Cayce, Edgar: (1877 – 1945) An American psychic and one of the most documented psychics of the 20th century. He has been called the  father of holistic medicine and the sleeping prophet. His psychic readings span the following topics: health-related information; philosophy and reincarnation; dreams and dream interpretation; ESP and psychic phenomena; and spiritual growth, meditation, and prayer. Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), the nonprofit organization founded by him in 1931, gives access to the entire set of Cayce’s 14,306 readings in a database on their website,


Celestial Aura: The sixth layer of the human aura that connects you to the spiritual realm. (Read more.)


Chakra: Sanskrit term for “spinning wheel”. Concept originated from Hindu medical practices and writings, which describe whirling, circular energy centers in the body that regulate physical and spiritual wellness. There are seven major chakras, each with a specific function: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Brow (Third Eye) and Crown. (Read more about hand and foot chakras and chakra alignment.)


Channeler: One who communicates with the spirit world or facilitates healing through their higher self or spirit guides.


Channeling: To allow a spirit to communicate through the physical body or mind of a medium. (Read more.)


Chi: Also known as “Qi” taken from Chinese medicine and philosophy, the vital life-force energy that flows through all living things. (See pranaki).


Chirognomy: A form of divination that is performed by studying the shape, size, color and texture of a person’s hands, fingers and thumb. (Read more.)


Chiromancy: A form of divination that is performed by reading the lines on a person’s palms and hands. (Read more.)


Choir: Groups of angels with specific duties that fit into the three triads of the angelic realm. (See Triads).


Chromotherapy: Also known as color therapy, it is a vibrational healing modality that uses light and color to revitalize negative energies in our body, mind and spirit.


Cingulum: A Wiccan ritual tool, a cord worn around the waist that can also signify the different degrees of learning within the religion. (Read more.)


Circle: Group of people attending a s’ance.


Clairalience: The ability to smell scents from the spirit world or from those who are not physically nearby.


Clairaudience: Also known as “clear hearing,” the ability to hear words and sounds from the spirit world.


Claircognizance: Also known as “clear knowing,” the ability to psychically know something without being told.


Clairgustance: The ability to psychically perceive tastes without actually tasting anything.


Clairsentience: The ability to sense or feel the presence of those from the spirit world or sense the auras and vibrations of all living things. (Read more.)


Clairvoyance: Also known as “clear seeing,” the ability to see spirits from the other side through the mind’s eye. It also refers to the ability to obtain information about a person, place or event without the use of the five human senses. (Read more.)


Cleansing: To remove negative forms of energies.


Cleromancy: A divination given by casting runes, dice or similar objects.


Coincidence: An extraordinary convergence of events or experiences that have no apparent reason to occur together or in a sequence.


Cold Reading: A technique used by pseudo-psychics to deceive people. The basic principle involves drawing out information from people without them realizing it is being done. It makes it seem as though the individuals have true psychic abilities, even though they do not.


Color Therapy: Also known as chromotherapy, it is a vibrational healing modality that uses light and color to revitalize negative energies in our body, mind and spirit.


Conjure: To summon a ghost or spirit using a magick ritual.


Consciousness: The part of the mind that allows us to be aware of ourselves and of things outside ourselves.


Coven: A formal gathering of witches in which rituals and traditions are practiced. (Read more.)


Crisis Apparition: An apparition that appears before a major crisis, accident or death as a warning of the impending incident. It can be in the image of a living or dead person.


Cross Over: Also referred to as crossing over. The point in time when a person or animal dies and they leave the physical world for the spirit world. (Read more.)


Crossing Over: The point in time when a human or animal leaves the physical world and enters the spirit world. (Read more.)


Cryptesthesia: A method of paranormal perception, such as clairvoyance.


Crystal Ball: A divination tool that is a round sphere made of crystal or glass used in scrying.


Crystallomancy: A scrying divination that uses a crystal ball to receive messages and predictions.


Crystal Therapy: An alternative medicine therapy that uses the spiritual and healing properties of specific crystals to create balance and wellness within the mind, body and spirit. (Read more.)


Curse: Words and objects containing energetic forces that are used to create some type of magical occurrence.




Deity: A supernatural force regarded as divine; worshipped for its powers with respect to control over the world or some aspect of life. Most commonly assigned a human or animal appearance.


D’j’ Vu: A French phrase meaning “already seen”. It is the experience of having the feeling that you have been in an exact situation or place before. It was coined by Emile Boirac, a French, psychic researcher. (Read more.)


Dematerialization: The vanishing of physical objects. (See apport).


Demonic Haunting: A supernatural spirit who targets humans to harass or torment; believed to be a fallen angel. (Read more.)


Demonology: The study of evil spirits.


Dendromancy: An ancient divination that interprets the smoke patterns of burning Oak and Mistletoe.


Deport: Paranormal disappearance of an object out of a secured area.


Discarnate: An entity not having a physical body.


Divination: The practice of predicting the future and discovering unknown facts by using tools, objects and supernatural means.


Divine: A term used to describe a celestial God or supreme being that can encompass all religions and have no attachment to a particular faith.


Divine Energy: Energy derived from holy or higher vibrating spirits. Used in many aspects of healing, shamanism and psychic abilities.


Divining Rod: Tool used in dowsing. It is a Y- or L-shaped tree branch used to locate water, buried metals, gemstones, oil and graves. It can also be made of metal, wire or plastic.


Doppelganger: German for “double walker”; a ghostly double of a living person that haunts that person; believed to be an omen of death if one was ever to see this apparition.


Doshas: In Ayurvedic medicine, the three life forces that govern the physical side of an individual. Each dosha (Vata Pitta Kapha ) has its own characteristics. (Read more.)


Dowsing : A divination that uses a divining rod to locate water or metals; in pendulum dowsing, movements of the pendulum determine answers to yes or no questions about the past, present and future.


Dream: Thoughts, images and emotions that happen involuntarily in the mind during sleep. They are thought to be psychologically as a mirror into the subconscious or spiritually as way to receive communications from another plane of existence or to predict the future.


Dream Incubation: A technique in which you give yourself suggestions for a specific topic or problem to be solved before you go to sleep in order to elicit dreams that will help resolve your issues.




Earthbound Spirit: A deceased person’s soul whose energy lingers in the physical world and has not yet crossed over into the spiritual realm. These spirits stay earthbound for various reasons. (Read more.)


Ectoplasm: A shapeless, usually white material, which exudes from the orifices of a medium’s body while in trance. Because it usually happens in a dimly lit room or is shown in a photograph, there is little scientific evidence of the substance, and some consider it a hoax.


Electric Voice Phenomena (EVP) recorder: Device used in paranormal investigations to record sounds or statements made by an entity or ghost.


Electromagnetic Field (EMF) detector: Device used in paranormal investigations to locate and track energy sources.


Elementals: Energies of the earthly elements that take on various spirit forms from nature: earth, air, fire and water (for example, faieries). Used in Shamanismoccult practices, and by psychics to aid in their abilities.


Emotional Aura: The second layer of the human aura that holds emotions and feelings. (Read more.)


Empath: A person who experiences and feels another person’s emotions. (Read more.)


Energy: Positive or negative vibrations, which exude from the earth, people, spirits, or the universe as a whole.


Entity: An unexplainable energy that can take many forms but may or may not have an attachment to a human or animal spirit.


ESP Cards: Also known as Zener Cardsa deck of 25 cards made up of different symbols circle, cross, square, star or wavy lines. They were developed by perceptual psychologist Karl Zener and J. B. Rhine and are used to test extrasensory perception in individuals. (Read more.)


Etheric Aura: Also known as the “health aura”; the first layer of the human aura that reflects the physical body’s health and status. (Read more.)


Etheric Body: The area around you that contains your aura. (Read more.)


Etheric Level: Etheric Level | Also “aetheric”; an intermediate level between the physical world and spirit world. (Read more.)


Etheric Template: The fifth layer of the human aura that contains a blueprint for all of the forms of the physical world. (Read more.)


Evidential Psychic Medium: A psychic who gives direct evidence of communication with those in the spirit world in the form of specific names, dates, locations and details of events. (Read more.)


Evil Eye: The ability to harm someone by glaring at them and raising one or both eyebrows.


Evoke: To conjure spirits or entities from the psychic realm.


Exorcism: The act of removing a demonic (demon) or negative force from a person or place.


Extrasensory Perception (ESP): Phenomena in which information is acquired without using any of the five physical senses. (Read more.)


Extraterrestrial: An object or being that is from beyond the Earth.




Fairy: A large variety of supernatural creatures that may be good or bad. (See Elementals).


Face Reading: Also known as physiognomy. (Read more.)


Faith Healing: A type of healing that utilizes prayer and faith in God or a Divine power.


Fate Line: In palmistry, it is a minor line on the palm that reveals the effects that people and events have had on an individual. The events are those that the individual has no control over. (Read more.)


Feng Shui: An ancient Chinese art and science of applying the principles of the earth elements to balance the energies in any location to create good fortune and health.


Flying Rods: Straight, flying anomaly that appears mysteriously in videos, but were unseen during filming.


Focal Person: Someone who is the object of poltergeist activities.


Fohat: Sanskrit: term for a vital elusive force, which is the catalyst for the creation of the universe. The term was also adopted into the movement of Theosophy as the “Great Transformer. In science it is equated to atomic energy.


Fortean Phenomenon: Named after researcher and writer Charles Fort; naturally occurring strange phenomenon that is not definable by science.


Fortune Telling: A divination used to predict future events.


Free Will: The ability to choose a particular course of action when given multiple alternatives.




Gaia: Also spelled Gaea, the term is from Greek mythology meaning the Goddess of earth.


Gem Therapy: An alternative medicine therapy that uses the spiritual and healing properties of specific gemstones to create balance and wellness within the mind, body and spirit. (See crystal therapy). (Read more.)


Genie: Supernatural beings appearing in Arab folklore and Islamic writings. They can be good, evil or benevolent. (See Jinn).


Ghosts: From the German geist, or Old English gast; spirits of dead people who may be loved ones watching over us, tortured souls seeking justice for their untimely demise or murder, or those that do not realize they have crossed over to the other side. Often these spirits or spectres do not recognize that we exist in the physical world because they are focused on their own plane of existence.


Girdle of Venus: In palmistry, this is a minor line on the palm that can indicate a high-strung individual or someone who needs to keep his temper in check. (Read more.)


Glossolalia: Known as speaking in tongues; it is indecipherable speech that usually happens in a trance state; there is debate as to whether it is a natural or supernatural spiritual phenomenon.


Glyph: In astrology, a symbol for each sun and moon.


Gnostic: Person who practices Gnosticism (See Gnosticism).


Gnosticism: Philosophical teachings dating to the pre-Christian era; derived from the Greek word “gnosis”, meaning knowledge. It is a group of belief systems based on teachings that salvation is brought on through self-enlightenment and a special knowledge of God to experience oneness with humanity and the universe.


Grounding: To actively focus on one’s physical connection to the earth. Useful for balancing when someone works within the psychic realm.


Guardian Angel: A protective angel to those in the physical world. (Read more.)


Gunas: In Ayurvedic medicine, the three mental states of mind that affect an individual’s world view: Sattva Rajas and Tamas . (Read more.)




Haunting: An event that continually occurs where a ghost has taken up residence in the physical world.


Head Line: In palmistry, it is a major line on the palm that reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. (Read more.)


Healer: Someone who uses medicine, herbs, energy, faith or psychic abilities to alleviate maladies within the body aura or chakras. (Read more.)


Health Line: In palmistry, this is a minor line on the palm that indicates health and overall well-being. (Read more.)


Heart Line: In palmistry, it is a major line on the palm that reveals information about your emotional state and your physical and emotional relationships with others. It can also indicate the health of the heart. (Read more.)


Herbalism: Also known as botanical medicine; a holistic approach to medicine in the treatment of physical and emotional problems based on the use of plants and their extracts.


Herbalist: A person who grows or prepares different herbs used in the treatment of physical and emotional conditions.


Hex: Words and objects containing energetic forces that are used to create some type of magical occurrence.


Higher Self: Also known as the Divine self; the part of us that is at one with the universe and has no physical attachments.

Hinduism: One of the world’s oldest religions practiced primarily in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It embraces a multitude of concepts including reincarnation, karma, dharma, rituals and devas. Following these spiritual paths lead to enlightenment and the discovery of the true self.


Holistic: In medicine,a modality that treats illness by taking into account the whole person, which includes any psychological and emotional issues, rather than just treating the physical symptoms. (Read more.)


Homeopathy: An alternative medicine therapy that was founded on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself. It uses small doses of mineral, botanical and biological substances in the healing process. The theory is that if a substance produces certain symptoms in a healthy individual, then giving the patient a lesser, diluted dose of the same substance will cure the symptom. (Read more.)


Horned God: From Wicca, it represents the masculine power. (Read more.)


Horoscope: A daily, monthly or yearly prediction of the future based on the signs of the zodiac.


Hot Reading: A technique used by pseudo-psychics that gives the appearance that a person is a true medium or psychic. This is accomplished by researching public records, telephone books, the web, etc., prior to reading an individual or small group. (See Cold ReadingWarm Reading).


Human Aura: An oval, energetic field made up of levels that surround the body. It holds our current or former emotions, attachments, feelings and experiences. Each level contains its own vibration and can be translated into a color with its own meaning.


Hydromancy: A type of scrying divination that uses the patterns and movements of water to receive messages.


Hypnosis: A state of consciousness that is induced and causes the loss of control of voluntary actions in a person, yet leaves that person extremely responsive to suggestions or directions.




I-Ching: An ancient Chinese philosophical text that is more than 3,000 years old. It is also a divination that is used for predicting the future. A reading is performed by casting three coins for a total of six times each to create a set of specific hexagrams whose meanings are interpreted from the text. (Read more.)


Incantation: Words put together to form a magic spell.


Incarnate: To become human from a spirit existence.


Indigo Children: A term recognized in the 1970s within the New Age movement referring to highly intelligent, gifted, empathic and intuitive children. They may also exhibit extrasensory perception abilities. It is believed that as a group they will have a significant spiritual impact on the world. They are labeled indigo because the color indigo indicates higher consciousness and self-awareness and is the color of the third-eye chakra the chakra that connects us with the spirit world and the supernatural. Due to their advanced gifts they may have problems with various life skills and interactions with other children and adults.


Isochronic Tones: A brainwave entrainment technology that uses consistent beats of a single tone separated by silent intervals that turn on and off very rapidly. (See Binaural Beats and Monaural Beats).


Intelligent Haunting: A traditional haunting in which the spirit is aware of and able to interact and communicate with those living in the physical world. (Read more.)


Intoolit: A term coined by Psychic Library – a psychic who uses divination tools such as Tarot cards, a crystal ballastrologynumerology, etc.


Intuition: The ability to know something without the use of logic or conscious reasoning. Knowledge gained by feeling, not fact. (Read more.)


Intuition Line: In palmistry, this is a minor line on the palm that reveals an individual with a highly sensitive intuition. Often it is found on psychics and psychic mediums. (Read more.)





Jinn: Supernatural beings appearing in Arab folklore and Islamic writings. They can be good, evil or benevolent. (See Genie).


Jin Shin Jyuts:  An ancient oriental art of bringing harmony to the life energy within the body through the gentle touch of the hands onto 26 specific “safety energy locks.” It is a physio-philosophy that is said to predate Buddha and Moses. In the early 1900s, it was reintroduced by Master Jiro Murai after he recovered from a terminal illness.


Jung, Carl: (1875-1961) One of history’s most influential psychologists who studied the human psyche using esoteric theories, such as dreams, art, eastern and western philosophies, mythology and religion. His major theories include archetypes, collective unconscious (the Akashic Record) and synchronicity.


Jyotish: A Sanskrit term for light; it is a name for a form of Hindu or Indian astrology called Vedic astrology.




Ka: Ancient Egyptian concept of the astral body.


Kabbalah: The Jewish book of mysticism taken from the Torah. It is the teaching of mystical activity and has been open to much interpretation because of its occult and metaphysical significance (see Metaphysics). Different spellings exist due to the fact that some letters in Hebrew have more than one usage in English.


Kapha Dosha – In Ayurvedic medicine, one of the three doshas (life forces) that regulates growth and the immune system. It keeps the bodily tissue healthy, heals wounds, repairs cells and balances the Vata and Pitta doshas. (Read more.)


Karma: The sum of a person’s good and bad actions, currently and from previous lives, which follow that person and have an impact on future existences.


Ketheric Template: The seventh layer of the human aura that surrounds and holds together all of the aura layers. (Read more.)


Ki: Taken from Japanese medicine and philosophy, the life-force energy that flows through all living things. (See chiprana.)


Kirlian Photography: A method of photography that copies electromagnetic fields unto photographic paper. It was discovered by S.D. & V. Kirlian from the Soviet Union. Kirlian photographs are used to prove that there is an aura or life-force energy surrounding living objects.


Kojiki: Also known as the “Record of Ancient Masters;” the oldest existing manuscript in Japan. It is a collection of myths, songs and poems regarding the origin of the four islands of Japan and the Kami (a Japanese word for natural forces, spirits or deity in the Shinto faith).


Kundalini: Life-force energy that passes through the body emanating from the root chakra (muladhara) and passes through to the crown chakra (sahasrara). It activates and energizes both our physical and etheric bodies. Also, it is an ancient Hindu mythological coiled serpent Goddess, which is wrapped around the root chakra.


Kundalini Yoga – A more accelerated form of yoga using specific body poses and postures that raise one’s level of consciousness and ability to acquire enlightenment.


Kypomancy: Also known as tasseomancy and tasseography, a divination that uses tea leaves, coffee grounds or wine sediments to make predictions.




Labyrinth: A singe path or geometrical maze, varying in size, used for personal, psychological and spiritual renovation. They are perceived as sacred spaces. Part of many ancient cultures, they have been around for more than 4000 years. (Read more.)


Levitate – Phenomenon of an object or person floating with no visible support that defies gravity. Believed to be accomplished by humans with meditation.


Libanomancy: (See Capnomancy).


Life-Force Energy: A metaphysical energy that animates all living things and the universe. (See Metaphysics).


Life Line: In palmistry, it is a major line on the palm that reveals information about your life, relationships, health and emotional and physical well-being. (Read more.)


Life Path: Predetermined journey or path that one follows throughout life; however, to some extent it can be modified by the choices one makes.


Life Path Number: One of the most important numbers in numerology divination; the sum of your birth date, which reflects the traits you are born with and take with you throughout your life path journey.


Lightworker: Any person who brings Divine light to the Earth and who is focused on reconnecting and transforming the higher self for the good of mankind.


Lucid Dreaming: The awareness that one is in a dream state while one is asleep. (Read more.)




Magic: Mysterious parlor tricks, slight of hand and illusions as performed by a magician for entertainment.


Magick or Majick: The art of using energy from the earth, the human body and from other objects to affect positive change. At one time Christianity tried to eliminate it because of its supposed association with the devil. (See Wicca).


Mahatma: A Sanskrit term for “great soul,” similar to the modern day term for saint; a holy or wise person. In some forms of theosophy it refers to someone with supernatural abilities, an adept or liberated soul.


Mandala: A Sanskrit term meaning circle. It is usually a circular-shaped symbol that is used as imagery and a focus for the chakras, meditation, yoga and healing. The designs vary depending on cultural or personal preference.


Mantra: A word, sound or syllable that is repeated frequently so that a deeper meditative state or spiritual awareness can be achieved.


Marriage Lines: Also known as the Relationship Lines. In palmistry, these are minor lines that indicate life partners, marriages and significant relationships in one’s life. (Read more.)


Meditation: An internal, personal process that takes the mind into a heightened state of awareness in order to relax and heal the mind body and spirit. (Read more.)


Medium: A person who can communicate with humans or animals who have passed on to the other side and who has knowledge of the living who surround a person’s life. These abilities can be present at birth or surface later in life through a traumatic experience or illness.


Mediumship: Communication with humans and animals who have passed to the spirit world.


Mental Aura: The third layer of the human aura that contains ideas, thoughts and mental processes. (Read more.)


Mentalism: A technique in which a person (mentalist) uses different methods to appear highly intuitive or psychic.


Mentalist: Also known as a mind reader; someone who appears to be highly intuitive or psychic (see Intuition). The technique involves the prior study of people’s facial expressions, muscle and eye movements, and body language. Most people exhibit these same patterns and this fact helps the mentalist predict what someone is thinking or is about to do. A mentalist usually entertains for a group audience. (See MentalismCold Reading).


Mental Telepathy: Also known as telepathy, the ability to transfer and receive thoughts and feelings from one mind to another. It is considered to be a form of extra-sensory perception (ESP). There is no formal training for this ability and it is not limited to psychics.


Meridians: Channels in the body through which chi (life-force energy) flows to energize and sustain it. The body has 12 meridians that are associated with a specific organ system and earth element.


Metaphysics: A branch of philosophy dealing with such abstract concepts as being, knowing, time and space.


Mind’s Eye: To “see” with the mind; receiving visual mental imagery without actual visual stimuli.


Monaural Beats: A brainwave entrainment technology in which the same sound is introduced to the brain through each ear. A smooth, pulsing sound is emitted and it is not necessary to use headphones to hear them. These beats cannot be masked with white noise or music. (See Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats).


Moody, Raymond, M.D., Ph.D.: (1944 – present) Creator of the modern-day psychomanteum and author of numerous books on near-death experiences, a term he coined in 1975. (Read more.)


Mysticism – Specific practices, texts, traditions and experiences aimed at human transformation and knowledge of the divine. This concept is present within all ancient and current cultures.




Nadi: Energy channel within the body (See Meridian).


Nagomancy: Also known asnecromancydivination where conjuring or communicating with spirits are used to predict the future. Some practices involve the disinterment of a dead body.


Natal Chart: Also known as a birth charthoroscope/astrological chart that calculates the positions of the stars and planets based on the date, time and place of birth for the purpose of gaining insights into a person’s personality traits and life path.


Near-Death Experience (NDE): A phenomenon in which someone close to death or who is suffering from trauma or disease sees and experiences events that are unexplainable, supernatural or glimpses into life after death.


Necromancy: Also known asnagomancy; a divination where conjuring or communicating with spirits are used to predict the future. Some practices involve the disinterment of a dead body.


New Age: A movement popularized in the late 1960s, characterized by beliefs in spiritualism, mysticism, holism and environmentalism. The New Age movement is not a religion, it is an ideology and philosophy.


Numerology: A divination that examines the meanings of numbers that coincide with your name and birth date. (Read more.)




Occult: The magical, mystical, supernatural, hidden beliefs, practices or occurrences beyond the scope of science.


Oionoscopy: Also known as Ornithomancy, an ancient divination that interprets the flight patterns, behaviors and songs of birds.


Om: Also aum; the universal sound of the creation of all things. Used as a start to Hindu mantras.


Omen: An occurrence that is seen as a sign of good or evil.


Ophiuchus: From the Greek, serpent bearer; the 13th zodiac sign reintroduced in 2011. Dates from the 4th century B.C.


Oracle: A source for answers by way of prediction, prophecy or precognition of the future.


Orb: A sphere-shaped object that mysteriously appears in photography and video, which is believed to be the energy of spirits.


Ornithomancy: Also known as Oionoscopy, an ancient divination that interprets the flight patterns, behaviors and songs of birds.


Other Side: A dimension in which the spirits of people and animals who have passed reside; also known as the spirit world. (Read more.)


Ouija Board: Also known as the talking board or spit/fire keyboard, it is usually used during a s’ance to ask questions and communicate with the spirit world. (Read more.)


Out-of-Body Experience (OBE or OOBE): A sensation of floating outside of one’s own physical body or the perception of the body outside of itself.




Paganism: A diverse spiritual way of life that is derived from ancient religions that worship Nature. Some groups worship deities, others believe there is but one life-force energy. Within paganism everyone follows a unique, personal, spiritual path. Spiritual divinity is achieved through understanding the inner self and its relationship to nature. Wicca is considered to be one form of Paganism.


Palmistry: Also known as chiromancy, it is the study of the hands and palms to reveal personality and longevity. (Read more.)


Paradigm Shift: A slow, unseen metamorphosis that causes change from one way of doing or thinking, to another.


Paranormal: Events or phenomena that cannot be scientifically explained.


Parapsychology: The scientific study and testing of psi (psychicphenomenon, such as extrasensory perception (ESP)psychokinesistelepathy and astral projection. (Read more.)


Paraskevidekatriaphobia: Of Greek origin, a term for a fear of Friday the 13th. (See triskaidekaphobia).


Past Life Regression: A technique using hypnosis to bring back memories of a person’s past incarnations. (See Incarnate.) (Read more.)


Paton: A Wiccan ritual tool used in altar consecration. It is often a bowl inscribed with a pentacle (Read more.)


Pedomancy: Also known as podomancy and solistry, an offshoot of palmistry, a divination that reads the lines on the feet and the shape and orientation of the toes to reveal personality, strengths and weaknesses. Each toe on either the right or left foot indicates a separate meaning.


Pendulum: A divination tool used in dowsing that is usually attached to a string or chain; its movements determine answers to yes or no questions asked by the querent. (Read more.)


Pentagram: A 5-pointed star drawn with a single line that represents the five elements: earth, air, fire, water and spirit. However, there have been other representations of the points throughout history and the symbol dates back to 3500 BC. When the single point of a pentagram is in an upright position, it signifies good. When it is inverted, and the two points are upright, it signifies bad or evil.


Pentacle: A circular amulet inscribed with a pentagram or other symbol, worn as protection from evil. In Wicca and Paganism the pentacle acts as a portal for a spirit to enter into the physical world. The pentagram symbol used in a pentacle can invoke good or evil depending on its position.


Personal Year Number: Used in numerology, this calculation of numbers provides a snapshot of the upcoming or past calendar years. It is based on the date of birth and the year in question. (Read more.)


Phasm: A ghostapparition, phantom or spirit.


Phasmophobia: An overwhelming fear of ghosts.


Phenomenon: An event or incident that cannot be scientifically explained and whose cause is questionable.


Physiognomy: Also known as face reading or anthroposcopy; the art of judging character by studying facial features. (Read more.)


Pitta Dosha: In Ayurvedic medicine, one of the three doshas (life forces) that regulates hormones, metabolism and the digestive system. (Read more.)


Planchette: Used with a Ouija board, it is a small, heart-shaped piece of wood or plastic with gliders on it so it moves smoothly across the board. It may contain a small scribing instrument (pen) in the middle to facilitate automatic writing. (See Ouija board and Automatic Writing).


Podomancy: Also known as solistry or pedomancy; a form of divination that reveals the characteristics of an individual based on the lines and shapes of the feet.


Poltergeist: The term comes from the German words “poltern,” which means to make noise and “geist,” which means ghost. This, it is a noisy ghost that likes to create havoc.


Poltergeist Haunting: This type of haunting usually takes the form of objects moved, hidden or thrown, disturbing noises, interference with electronic devices, physical attacks and even spontaneous combustion. (Read more.)


Portent: A warning, sign or omen that something significant, crucial or disastrous will occur.


Postcognition: See retrocognition.


Prana: Sanskrit term for breath; refers to the universal life-force energy.


Precognition: Knowledge of an event before it happens, in particular, a paranormal event. (Read more.)


Premonition: An intense feeling that something will occur in the near future.


Prophecy: A prediction of future events without having had previous access or knowledge of the information.


Pseudoscience: Beliefs or practices that are presented as scientific but are not based on any valid scientific evidence.


Pseudo-psychic: One who impersonates a true psychic by utilizing techniques of cold reading, the Barnum effect, and other gimics.


Psi: Refers to all forms of psychic abilities.


Psi Experiences: Psychic phenomenon.


Psi-Gamma: A category of study in parapsychology, which refers to the ability to acquire information through nonsensory or nonphysical methods, such as in telepathyclairvoyance and precognition.


Psi-Kappa: A category of study in parapsychology, which refers to the ability to affect something or move objects using nonphysical methods, such as in telekinesis and psychic healing.


Psychic: An individual who has supernatural and varied abilities to sense things or access facts with little or no pervious knowledge. Not all psychics are mediums, but all mediums are psychic.


Psychic Attack: The act of perceiving negative energy around you. This negative energy can be given intentionally or merely felt.


Psychic Dreams: Also known as precognitive dreaming; a state in which the dreamer receives knowledge about future events without having previous access to the information.


Psychic Healing: Healers using psychic abilities and powers to heal the mind, body and spirit.


Psychic Protection: The ability to block and remove unwanted energy that might attach to a person. (Read more.)


Psychic Realm: A term describing all that applies to the psychic domain.


Psychic Surgery: A procedure whose practitioners claim to possess psychic powers and claim to use their bare hands to make an incision in another and supposedly remove diseased tissue and seemingly heal the wound. It has been denounced and condemned as fraud by many countries. It first appeared in spiritualistic groups in the Philippines and Brazil in the mid-1900s.


Psychic Vampire: Individuals who tends to constantly drain another of their life-force energy. They deplete one’s emotional, physical, spiritual and mental strength.


Psychokinesis (PK): The power to move objects with the mind.


Psychomanteum: A psychomanteum is a small, dark chamber used to facilitate communication with people who have passed on to the spirit realm. Dr. Raymond Moody pioneered the modern-day version that stemmed from ancient Greece. (Read more.)


Psychometry: The ability to pick up impressions, visions, thoughts or events relating to someone just by holding an object, piece of jewelry, photograph or letter belonging to that person. It is also known as clairtangency or clear touching. (Read more.)




Qi: Modern spelling of chi, meaning vital life-force energy. (See chi.)


Qigong: The Chinese practice of breathing alignment, physical movement and meditation to achieve and enhance the mind, body and spirit connection. It nurtures and strengthens the body’s life-force energy (qi or chi) for overall health.


Querent: One who seeks, derived from the Latin “quaerens”. It denotes a person who asks questions or seeks advice from an oracle, either with the aid of a psychic medium or alone with a specific divination tool, such as a pendulum.





Radiesthesia: An offshoot of dowsing that uses specially calibrated instruments to detect and locate the natural radiation waves and vibrations that are emitted from the earth, elements, objects and people as energies and auras. Some believe that this knowledge of energy fields can be useful in healing and in finding the cause and location of diseases in individuals.


Rajas Guna: In Ayurvedic medicine, one of the three mental states that affect an individual’s world view. (Read more.)


Rascette Lines: Also known as the Bracelet Lines. In palmistry, these are minor lines on the wrist that are indications of longevity, health, destiny and prosperity. (Read more.)


Reading: The information and predictions imparted to someone from a psychic, either in a group or a one-on-one session.


Receiver: A parapsychology term used in the study of psi,  an individual who obtains information from someone else through telepathy. (Read more.)


Reflexology: A type of massage technique that is performed on the feet, hands or ears. Applying pressure to those specific areas creates healing in the corresponding organs.


Reiki: An alternative healing therapy in which the practitioner channels and directs life-force energy through the palms of their hands to the meridian centers in the body.


Reiki Attunements: An initiation in which universal Reiki energies are opened and channeled to an individual through a Reiki Master. This enhances the mind, body and spirit connection, and clears out and balances energy channels within the body. The Reiki attunement is a three-level process. Completion of level III signifies a Reiki Master.


Reiki Master: A Reiki teacher who has obtained the Master level of Reiki attunement.


Reincarnation: A soul’s rebirth into a new physical body.


Relationship Lines: Also known as the Marriage Lines. In palmistry, these are minor lines that indicate life partners, marriages and significant relationships in one’s life. (Read more.)


Remote Viewing: The ability of individuals (remote viewers) to receive detailed impressions or visions of a specified distant target without the aid of any of the usual five senses. The term was coined by parapsychologists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff of the Stanford Research Institute in their work with the U.S. Government’s top secret Star Gate Project. Choosing the term “remote viewing” for the technique was the result of the U.S. government wanting to disassociate itself from any and all psychic or paranormal terminology, i.e., clairvoyanceESP or telepathy. The Star Gate Project began during the cold war, after the U.S. discovered that the Soviets were using psychic spies to obtain sensitive information. After the project’s declassification during the 1990s, remote viewing was popularized, and several groups began teaching forms of the technique, each with their own protocols.


Residual Haunting: Repeated images or sounds of a ghost that previously resided in a place in the physical world, but is no longer actually there. No interaction takes place with the living. (Read more.)


Retrocognition: Also known as postcognition, the ability to see events that have taken place in the past.


Rune: A divination used to predict the future using stones etched with characters from an ancient Germanic alphabet. (Read more.)


Runecarver: Also known as a runemaster; someone who is a specialist at making runestones.


Runemaster: Also known as a runecarver; someone who is a specialist at making runestones.


Runestones: Small or large stones, or pieces of bone that are carved with Runic symbols.



Sanskrit: A classical, literary and religious language of India and Hinduism.


Sattva Guna – Sanskrit term meaning purity, balance and order. In Ayurvedic medicine, one of the three mental states that affect an individual’s world view. (Read more.)


Scrying: A divination used to predict the future by gazing into a crystal ball or other shiny object or reflective surface. (See crystallomancy). (Read more.)


S’ance: A gathering, often lead by a psychic or medium, at which people try to contact spirits who have crossed over to the other side. A lighted s’ance is different from one held in the dark. At times, questions are first written down and the medium answers them with the alleged help of a spirit guide, the questioner’s spirit guides or the departed loved ones. (Read more.)


Second Sight: Also known as clairvoyance; the ability to see spirits from the other side through the mind’s eye. (Read more.)


Seer: Someone who obtains information from visions or dreams and does not necessarily have psychic abilities. In biblical references it refers to someone who receives messages from prophets and angels.


Sender: A parapsychology term used in the study of psi – an individual who communicates or transmits information to someone else through telepathy. (Read more.)


Serendipity: The act of finding something unexpectedly.


Sensory Deprivation: A deliberate blocking of some or all of the senses, as well as external stimuli, to alter the state of consciousness.


Shaman: A highly trained, spiritual person who is obligated to uphold the rituals of the community by acting as a mediator between the spirit world and the living. Charged with the duty to appease the spirits by delivering gifts.


Shamanism: Communication with the spirit world to solve problems, promote healing and balance and give predictions of the future. It stems from many ancient cultures and is still practiced today.


Significator: A card selected in a tarot reading to represent the querent and where the individual currently is in his life. This card is not used in all readings, but when it is, it is usually a Major Arcana card.


Sitters: Persons receiving a reading or participating in a s’ance conducted by a psychic or medium.

Sixth Sense: A term encompassing all forms of extrasensory perception (ESP).


Skepticism: A state in which the mind is closed off and doubts or questions things; sometimes this state can obscure the truth.


Smudge Stick: Originally used by Native American Shaman, it is a bundle of dry herbs (white sage is the most common) or other plants, leaves and incense sticks, tied together with string and burned. The scents from the burned smudge stick facilitate spiritual cleansing, clear negative energy or an entity, create harmony and are used in meditation and for medicinal purposes. An alternative to burning a smudge stick is the use of a scented spray, which is just as effective.


Snake Cult: Ancient culture that worshiped snakes.


Solistr: Also known as pedomancy and podomancy; an offshoot of palmistry; a divination that reads the lines on the feet and the shape and orientation of the toes to reveal personality, strengths and weaknesses. Each toe on either the right or left foot indicates a separate meaning.


Sound Therapy: A modality that uses sound to harmonize the mind, body and spirit.


Spectre: A term for ghost or spirit.


Speculum Metal: A device, usually a mirror, which is looked into while scrying.


Spell: Words and objects containing energetic forces that are used to create some type of magical occurrence.


Spirit: The energy that continues on after an individual or animal has passed away. Spirits have the ability to appear as they were in life or in other forms, and they can communicate with the living through dreams and by transferring their emotions to and through us.


Spirit Guide: Entity from the other side, not necessarily a deceased relative, who is assigned to us at birth to guide us through life and keep us on a certain path. Usually from an ancient civilization, a spirit guide can appear as an animaltotem, a Native American, Egyptian, Asian, Hindu, or have no specific ethnic attachment. Psychics and mediums generally refer to their guides by name and call on them when giving readings. (Read more.)


Spirit World: The realm in which the souls of humans and animals exist after crossing over from the physical world.


Spiritualism: A belief in the continuation of life and the existence of a spirit world. Its practice involves connecting with your higher self, which allows you to communicate or receive guidance from the heavens. (Read more.)


Spiritualist: A person who believes in spiritualism, has a deep respect for nature and all that is believed to come from the heavens.


Spirit Writing: (See Automatic Writing).


Structured Psychic Reading: A reading in which the psychic uses divination tools such as tarot cards; the lines, bumps and markings on your palms, head and other parts of the body; rune stones; I-Ching coins; tea leaves; astrology birth charts; and numbers, to name a few, to give information and answers about your career, relationships and past, present and future events in your life. (Read more.)


Sun Line: Also known as the Apollo Line. In palmistry, it is a minor line on the palm that, when present, is an indication of success in an individual’s life. (Read more.)


Supernatural: Events, energies or personal powers that are unexplainable through the laws of nature or science.


Superstition: A deep belief or practice that is not based on scientific fact, but rather, on the supernatural, a fear or an idea that have been passed down through generations and/or culturally. More often than not, superstitions are associated with bad luck. Counteracting their effect is done by avoiding certain actions or using amulets or tokens to ward off evil. (Read more.)


Synchronicity: Two or more events either occurring together or taking place at different times that are separately unrelated; however, these events do have significance and meaning and an underlying connectedness when put together.



Talisman: An object, such as a ring or a stone that is believed to bring good luck or have magical powers. (See Amulet).


Tamas Guna – In Ayurvedic medicine, one of the three mental states that affect an individual’s world view. (Read more.)


Tantra: Ancient Hindu and Buddhist doctrines that teach ways to achieve inner peace and harmony and harness personal energy using mind and body exercises. Tantric teachings are often equated with sexuality; however, they cover a much broader base.


Taoism: The word “tao” means “way”. It is an ancient Chinese spiritual philosophy that is sometimes described as “the way of water” as it embodies the flowing, fluid strength of water. A well-known Taoist teaching is polarity in all things, which is expressed as yin and yang. It also incorporates the beliefs of the connection between the physical world and the spirit world.


Target: A person, place, object or event that a remote viewer is called upon to reveal during a remote viewing session.


Tarot: First known as tarocchi or tarock; a divination that uses a pictorial, 78-card deck to predict the future and interpret the past and present. In the English speaking world, the technique is considered a form of cartomancy. The numerology is usually thought to be significant. The Tarot is often considered to correspond to other divination systems such as astrologyKaballahI-Ching and others. (Read more.)


Tarot Spread: The order in which tarot cards are laid out for a reading. There are many types, variations and number of cards used. Specific spreads are used for particular inquiries. (Read more.)


Tasseography: Also known as tasseomancy and kypomancy, a divination that uses tea leaves, coffee grounds or wine sediments to make predictions. (Read more.)


Tasseomancy: Also known as tasseography and kypomancy, a divination that uses tea leaves, coffee grounds or wine sediments to make predictions. (Read more.)


Telekinesis: Also known as psychokinesis, the ability to move objects with the mind’s energy.


Telepathy : Also known as mental telepathy, the ability to transfer and receive thoughts and feelings from one mind to another. It is referred to as a sixth sense and is considered a form of extra-sensory perception (ESP). There is no formal training for this ability and it is not limited to psychics. (Read more.)


Telesthesia – Also spelled telaesthesiasensations occurring in the body and appendages such as tingling, itching, throbbing or whistling in the ears, which can signal thoughts of distant people, events that are happening and the knowledge of certain objects. This is done without the aid of the regular five senses.


Tephramancy: A divination in which the ashes from a burned altar are interpreted.


Theosophy: A philosophy of life that encourages spiritual thought and the study of ancient-world religions, with the belief that the highest understanding of God is achieved through one’s own spiritual awareness and latent Divine powers. It seeks to unify science, philosophy and religion. The Theosophical Society was established in 1875 by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Col. Henry Steel Olcott, W.Q. Judge and others.


Thermal Camera: Device using infrared technology to capture the invisible energy emitted from an entity or ghost.


Third Eye: A concept referring to the brow chakra, located in the middle of the forehead and is associated with psychic abilities such as visions and clairvoyance. It is a psychic energy center. (See mind’s eye.)


Thurifumia: (See Capnomancy).


Trance: A half-conscious condition typically induced through hypnosis or entered into by a medium to transmit messages from the spirit world.


Transfiguration: The changing appearance of someone who is channeling a spirit.


Transmitter: See Sender. (Read more.)


Tree of Life: Found in many spiritual traditions, it is a symbolic representation of creation and redemption. All life elements are symbolized as well as the connection between heaven and earth.


Triads: Three hierarchical angel-realm divisions (also known as spheres or ranks). This hierarchy delineates the specific types of angels and their respective duties. The angel designations in each triad are further broken down into three choirs, and ranked on a scale from one to three, in order of importance. Many of the angels are represented in more than one triad and have multiple duties across the angelic and physical realms.


Triskaidekaphobia: Of Greek origin, a term for a fear of the number 13. (See paraskevidekatriaphobia).


Triple Goddess: From Wicca, it represents the female powers: Maiden, Mother and Crone. (Read more.)


Typtology: A method of spirit communication in which the spirit moves, tilts or knocks a table in order to produce tapping sounds in answer to questions. (See Alphabetical Typtology.)



UFO: Unidentified flying object.


Ufology: The study of unidentified flying objects.


Unstructured Psychic Reading: A reading in which the psychic medium uses psychic abilities to reveal information about your feelings, emotions and relationships. The psychic has the ability to connect with people who have passed, as well as with people who are currently playing an important role in your life. (Read more.)


Uraeus: A dot on the forehead, representative of the “third eye”.



Vata Dosha: In Ayurvedic medicine, one of the three doshas (life forces) that regulates circulation, heart rate, breathing, elimination and the mind. (Read more.)


VayusSanskrit term for  vital winds; the five categories of prana.
Apana vayu: downward flowing energy within the torso, removes that which is no longer vital to the body.
Prana vayu: upward flowing energy within the chest area, continues the vitalization of the life forces.
Samana vayu: an inward energy within the navel or stomach area, aids in digestion and deciphers between those thoughts that are useful and those that are not.
Udana vayu: an outward energy within the throat area, works with prana vayu to aid in breathing in and out.
Vyana vayu: coordinates energy flow throughout the various structures and systems throughout the body.


Vibrations: States of emotion in a person, the energy of a particular place and the pulsations emanating from things that are communicated to and felt by others.


Vitalism: A philosophical concept that life and all living organisms contain a vital life-force energy.


Voodoo: A religion with African roots that was brought to the Western coasts and islands by slaves. It combines aspects from the Catholic religion with African magical and religious rituals and is marked by spirit possession, secret languages and spell casting.


Vortex: A funnel-shaped portal or passageway that allows energy and other phenomena from another dimension to travel to and from the physical world. They have no physical or time restraints and are composed of energy and light.



Warm Reading: A technique used by pseudo-psychics that gives the appearance that a person is a true medium or psychic. This is accomplished by using sweeping generalizations, psychology and statistics that can apply to almost anyone to fool people during a reading of an individual or small group. (See cold readinghot reading and Barnum effect).


Wax Reading: A divination that interprets candle wax residue to predict future outcomes in two ways: 1. A candle is burnt down to its end, and the wax that drips and hardens down the sides of the candle into a particular shape is intuitively interpreted. 2. Melted wax from a burning candle is poured into a bowl of cool water to harden. The shape of the hardened wax is intuitively interpreted.


Wheel of the Year: From Wicca, the eight Sabbats or Sabbaths that correlate with the cycles of the Earth. (Read more.)



White Magic – The use of magick to cast a spell with the goal of healing others and to produce good outcomes.


Wicca: A neo-pagan religion based on the ancient traditions of witchcraft that dates back to pre-Christian religions. It is peaceful, balanced and acknowledges that the earth and its inhabitants are merely one of the many parts, seen or unseen, that make up the whole. (Read more.)


Witch: Someone who uses spells and incantations for healing purposes. All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches practice Wicca. (Read more.)


Witchcraft: A spiritual ideology that promotes free will and thought, recognizes the connection between the Earth and Nature and the divinity of all living things. Spells reinforce healing, love and balance. (Read more.)


Wraith: An apparition of a living person or a person thought to be alive that appears around the time of that person’s death.



Xenoglossy: The ability of a person to speak or write a language that has not been learned. The phenomenon has been used as proof of reincarnation because  the only way a person would have knowledge of a language not learned would be through a past life.


Xylomancy: A divination using the patterns of twigs, tree branches or pieces of wood that have fallen on the ground or are in one’s path to determine omens.



Yantra: A symbolic diagram used to assist in meditation. Wearing or concentrating on a yantra is believed to bring spiritual, astrological or magical benefits in the tantric tradition of Indian religions. Shapes and patterns associated with yantra include squares, triangles, circles and floral patterns; however, there are more detailed, specific symbols.


Yarrow Stalks: A group of 50 stems of the yarrow plant, used as a casting tool in the I-Ching divination. The plant has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. (Read more.)


Yin-Yang: In Chinese philosophy, it represents an understanding of how the universe works. They are complementary opposing forces: the yin principles are feminine, passive, cold and dark and the yang principles are masculine, active, heat and light. Everything contains yin and yang aspects. Some objects have more of one than the other and this too may change over time.


Yoga: A Hindu discipline that is widely practiced for relaxation and physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. It creates balance within the body through breath control, stretching, meditation and specific body poses and postures.



Zen: A universal concept that emphasizes the value of meditation and intuition, with origins and adaptations from India, China and Japan.


Zener Cards: Also known as ESP Cards; a deck of 25 cards made up of different symbols: circle, cross, square, star or wavy lines. They were developed by perceptual psychologist Karl Zener and J. B. Rhine and are used to test Extrasensory Perception in individuals.


Zodiac: In the western tradition of astrology, it is a belt of constellations that are positioned on the sun’s apparent path, called the ecliptic. It is divided into 12 signs named after the constellations, which correspond to the 12 months in which someone is born. However there has recently been a rediscovery of a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus. This 13th sign was in the original group thousands of years ago, but due to a shift in the earth’s orbit, some astrologers have reintroduced it. In the Chinese tradition of astrology, the zodiac is represented as 12 animals; each is assigned to a particular year in which someone is born.


Zombie: Associated with voodoo; an animated corpse, also referred to as the “walking dead.” Herbs, potions and poisonous fish organs were unknowingly given to victims and used to create the illusion of their deaths by slowing down their vital organs to an undetectable range. As the poison wore off, the person would emerge from the ground or place they were laid to rest groggy and disoriented  appearing soulless and as if risen from the dead. This effect would scare others into believing the power of the spells and the supernatural forces at work within the individual casting them.


Zoomancy: A divination that studies the behavior or appearance of zoo animals.