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Reading Room

Welcome to Psychic Library’s Reading Room. Here you will learn about different types of readings and tools used by psychics and psychic mediums. At Psychic Library, we refer to those who use tools, their psychic abilities and intuition as intoolits. Not all mediums use tools; some can tap into their clairvoyantclairaudient or clairsentient abilities. It is not necessary for some readings to be given by a psychic, just choose a person who is well trained. A reading performed by a reputable medium, psychic or studied individual can give you new insights into your past, present and future, which in turn can enhance your mind, body and spirit. You can learn to do many of these readings yourself, by taking advantage of the courses offered through our site or by purchasing some of our recommended readings in this room.


It is very important to know the different types of psychics and psychic readings that are available to you before you make a choice. Psychic readings are divided into two groups; structured and unstructured. A structured reading involves the use of divination tools such as tarot cards; the lines, bumps and markings on your palms, head and other parts of the body; rune stones; I-Ching coins; tea leaves; astrology birth charts; and numbers, to name a few, to give information and answers about your career, relationships and past, present and future events in your life. Some people who are not true psychic mediums do perform these readings and are extremely accurate and knowledgeable. And many courses are available that can teach you these different divinations; however, a more in-depth reading will be accomplished if given by an individual with true psychic abilities.




A psychic reading of these records will provide you with valuable information that can lead you to a better life, provide you with clarity and help you see what the future holds. The Akashic record is a universal filing system that exists on a nonphysical plane. A psychic is able to tap into this etheric-level library. It holds all the individual and collective information from the past, present and future. All human reincarnations, events, experiences, thoughts, feelings, deeds and intent are recorded there; and are called attachments, each of which can evoke positive or negative emotions. The Akashic records are actually an energetic vibration. The energy is recorded and translated into images, forms, symbols and language that the mind can comprehend. Akashi is a Sanskrit word meaning sky, space or ether. The term Akashic record, meaning a collection of mystical knowledge, has its origins in Hinduism and was later incorporated into theosophy.



angelcardangel2ANGEL CARDS

Angel cards, also called oracle cards, are designed as a tool to assist you in communicating directly with the angels and guides who will send you inspiration, comfort, guidance, wisdom and affirmations to assist in your life’s journey. You do not need to be a psychic medium to connect with your angels. All you need to do is ask for their assistance, as they are always around you. Messages from your angels are given in a positive and loving way to give you the strength to make changes and choices in your career, relationships, or in any other aspect of your life in which you need assistance. A misconception exists that angel cards are the same as tarot cards. The only real similarity is that the cards can be laid out into spreads that resemble those used in tarot readings.




Astrology readings provide insight into the past, present and future and can be used as a guide for your daily life. The astrologer uses your birth date and its corresponding zodiac sign, along with the positions of the sun, planets, stars and moon to give you an accurate reading. There are 3 main branches of astrology: Western, Chinese and Vedic. Most ancient cultures believed there was a connection between their lives and the positions of the sun, planets, moon and stars; however, there is not one clear origin of astrology. Early civilizations used the stars to time their agricultural planting. As time went on and the study of these celestial bodies became more sophisticated, events were tied to their positions. The oracles started recording events, and then used the planet positions to predict the future or generate prophesies. Astrology fell out of favor as science continued to develop. It had a slight resurgence in eighteenth century England. Today, astrology readings are very popular.




True aura readings should be given by a psychic medium sensitive to the vibrations of colors. The psychic, psychic medium or healer determines the colors and meanings of your aura layers. Also, there are special cameras that detect and photograph the colors of the aura, which are then interpreted by a trained individual. An aura reading should focus on describing your spiritual energies at that moment, as well as those energy layers that remain attached to you throughout life. The reading should be a powerful experience that enables you to look inside yourself for answers, guidance and growth. All living things are surrounded by an aura, which is an oval-shaped, colored band of sound, light and vibration. Aura colors change with a person’s mood or physical health and also reflect the condition of their chakras.




During the time of the Spiritualist movement in the mid-1800s, automatic writing was accepted as a way for psychics and even ordinary people to connect with the spirit world. It is also known as spirit or a trance writing and it continues to be a widely used divination today. Many people practicing this divination claim that as the spirit or entity sends messages through them, it feels as though the spirit is moving the arm and hand over the paper.




Biorhythms are invisible waves of energy within the human body that are constantly in flux. These energy levels are unique to each individual and begin charting at birth. It is believed that people have three main biorhythmic cycles: physical, emotional and intellectual. Other cycles have been added in recent years: intuition, spiritual and aesthetic. Some individuals also believe there are even more cycles that are combinations of the three main cycles: passion (physical and emotional), wisdom (emotional and intellectual) and mastery (intellectual and physical).




Channeling is a method of communicating with entities and energies that are no longer present in the physical world. Channeling abilities are used to gain higher knowledge, to receive guidance for direction in life, to connect with spirit guides and totems and to receive messages from those who have crossed over to the other side. There are two main types of channeling trance channeling and conscious channeling.




The Webster’s New World dictionary defines empathy as: feeling, intellectual or emotional identification with another. The term psychic empath, derived from empathy, is being used more frequently in the psychic and paranormal realm, and it refers to a psychic individual who is so intensely sensitive to other people’s emotions, pains and energies that they experience them as their own. They can probe deeply into another person’s soul and identify and experience feelings that may have been blocked for some time or unknown reason. Like other psychic abilities, one may be born with it and it is often multi-generational. However, many people can acquire this after a near-death experience. It is also believed that everyone is born with some type of psychic powers, however much of this is still open to debate.




Individuals usually seek out a psychic medium in the hope of contacting a loved one who has passed on to the other side. They yearn to receive a message from their loved one to be able to find comfort, as well as to validate the existence of an afterlife. The closest most people have come to experiencing this form of mediumship has been on the television. Psychic mediums, such as Tyler Henry, John Edward, John Holland and James Van Praagh, select individuals from their audiences and begin to give them specific names and details that only those chosen would know. Also events, illnesses and dates are revealed through these psychic mediums. This form of mediumship is called evidential psychic mediumship.




Face reading, or physiognomy, gives insights into a person’s character and life path through the study of their facial features and structure. There are five descriptive shapes of the face relating to earth, fire, wood, metal and water. Each facial feature has its own meaning. For example, the size and shape of the ears indicate wisdom, the nose indicates wealth and the lips reveal communication style, to name a few. This technique has been popular in China for thousands of years.




During an I-Ching reading, three coins, yarrow stalks or wands are tossed to create a group of lines that form a hexagram. The reading offers interpretations of your future path, helps to answer specific life questions and gives you options for your journey. If using coins, which are the most common, the set of three are thrown 6 times. After each throw, solid lines (the yang, or creative principle) or broken lines (the yin, the receptive principle) are drawn to create each hexagram. There are a total of 64 possible hexagrams, each deriving its specific meaning from the I-Ching, which is an ancient Chinese philosophical text more than 3,000 years old. Interpretations are very difficult because of the tremendous amount of information revealed during a reading, and the fact that the I-Ching text was written in ancient times. The text is also known as the Book of Changes or Classic of Changes.




A numerology reading reveals many aspects of your life, including personality, relationships, strengths, weaknesses, needs and desires. A benefit of this type of reading is self-improvement and growth. Numerology examines the meanings of numbers that coincide with your name and birth date. Every number has positive and negative traits. The Life Path number is the most significant in a numerology chart and reflects who you are at birth, your character traits and the nature of your journey through life. The form of numerology that is most commonly used today is based on the Pythagorean system, developed by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras. He believed that the universe is governed by numerology. In his system, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number and each number is assigned a meaning. To learn more about numerology and to calculate your life path number and personal year number, click on the button below.




The Ouija board, also known as the talking board or spirit/fire keyboard, is usually used during s’ances to communicate with the spirit world. The board is flat and imprinted with the letters of the alphabet and the numbers 0 – 9 in the center, the words yes and no in the upper corners and goodbye on the bottom. Other symbols may appear, depending on the board. A small heart-shaped piece of wood called a planchette is used to navigate the board when spelling out spirit messages during the s’ance. The participants place their fingertips lightly on the planchette and the energies of the spirit direct it to areas of the board to spell out a name, give a combination of numbers, or just say goodbye. Though the board is thought of as just a parlor game, there are those who believe it has the power to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge or contact the spirit world.



Palmistry (or chiromancy) reveals your personality and character by studying the hands. This type of reading is done by examining the size and shape of the hand; length and position of the fingers and thumbs; and wrinkles and lines on the palms. The shape of the hand is categorized as one of the following symbols: fire, earth, air or water. After determining the hand shape, the palmist looks at the fingers, thumbs and fingernails. The thumbs determine a person’s will. The lines on the palms are very significant. There are 3 major lines: life line, heart line and head line. The minor lines are not as important, but do provide useful information. Palmistry dates back thousands of years to the East and found its way to the West during the Middle Ages. Palmistry was popularized during the 19th century.




Past life regression is the act of tapping into the many past lives of your soul and identifying the challenges you might have experienced during those incarnations. Doing this can shed light on your specific issues and provide you with a more problem-free future. Many people repress their thoughts and emotions, which only keeps them stuck in their lives. Through past life regression, your previous behavioral patterns and situations are revealed, and you can then have a good chance to redirect your current path. It is all about knowing and learning your true self so that you can enhance the future in this life and in those lives yet to come. The use of hypnosis is the most common method for conducting a past life regression. This is done while you are lying on a couch or in a comfortable position, and a series of questions are posed. Those questions address memories of your past and the experiences that may determine how your character has evolved into what it is now. This technique dates back to ancient times, but resurfaced during the 1920s and 30s, when Edgar Cayce used his ability to channel past life information for people.




In a pendulum dowsing reading answers to questions are determined by the way the pendulum swings in the reader’s hand. Generally questions are posed in a Yes and No format. The pendulum used can be purchased or can be a weighted object that hangs from a chain or string, for example, a piece of jewelry, a ring, crystal, or charm that may have either belonged to you or someone close to you. The pendulum itself does not possess powers or magic. It merely acts as a radio receiver of the reader’s innermost consciousness and intuition to access information that cannot be known from the physical realm. It connects with an individual’s inner wisdom, guides, angels and masters to the divine for answers. Dowsing is also a technique used to locate water, buried metals, gemstones, oils and even graves. Cave paintings of people using L- or Y-shaped branches to locate various buried items were discovered in 1949 and were carbon dated to be 8,000 years old. Another form or offshoot of dowsing is radiesthesia. It uses specially calibrated instruments to detect and locate the natural radiation waves and vibrations that are emitted from the earth, elements, objects and people as energies and auras.




Psychometry is also known as psychometrics or token-object reading. During a psychometry reading, the psychic is able to pick up impressions, visions, thoughts or events relating to someone just by holding an object, piece of jewelry, photograph or letter belonging to that person. A psychic or clairvoyant will usually require that the object has only had one owner, so that the images and feelings retrieved from the object won’t be confused with someone else. These objects hold imprints of emotions, sounds, scents, tastes or images. Recently, more documentaries are being produced about how law-enforcement agencies engage psychics who have this ability to assist in crime solving. Through handling objects belonging to missing persons, psychics have been able to depict crime scenes, locate missing persons, experience afterlife communications and sense the feelings of the individuals involved. The term psychometry is derived from the Greek words psyche meaning soul and metron meaning measure. It was named for the science invented by American physician and professor of physiology, Joseph Rhodes Buchanan in the 1840s. He believed the psychometer was the instrument of the soul.




A rune reading begins by arranging or tossing the rune letters in a spread while thinking of a question or a situation where guidance is necessary. The runes are also used as talismans for their properties of protection, meditation and energy. The rune letters and symbols are then interpreted based on their individual meanings. This is a complex process because there are many layers of meaning. Each rune letter is etched on a small piece of wood or stone and drawn using straight lines. It is believed that runes have mysterious powers and that they were used to cast spells at one time. Traditionally, there are 24 runes in a set, called the Elder Futhark. There is a debate about whether or not there is a 25th rune, which is blank and symbolizes the unknowable or Divine. Conflicting views exist on the birth of runes. One theory is that in the fourth century B.C., German mercenaries went into Northern Italy. The magical symbols used by their shamans travelled with them. By the second century B.C., the rune knowledge was passed from Italy back to Germany by the Cimbri tribe. By the eighth century, they reached their height as a magical system using the German Futhark, coined from the first six letters of the German runes (futhark is a word for an ancient Germanic tribal alphabet). A variation called the Younger Futhark with only 16 runes was founded at the end of the eighth century. In 1639 Iceland, runes were banned. Anyone possessing a rune was burned alive. That date is the official death of the runes as magic, even though the rest of the world had abandoned their use earlier.



By gazing into a crystal ball (crystallomancy), a scryer sees visions, images, colors or symbols, which illuminate the past, present or future. The crystal ball amplifies the information and energy that is transmitted to the scryer. A crystal ball is the most common tool used by a scryer, although other shiny objects can be used. It is an ancient form of divination, and for example, magicians from ancient Egypt used bowls of water (hydromancy), blood or ink as their scrying tools. One of the most famous 16th-century scryers was Nostradamus, who used a bowl of water to see into the future. Another form of this divination is pyromancy, which is gazing into a fire.



A s’ance is a gathering of open-minded individuals for the purpose of communicating with a deceased person’s spirit. The group is lead by an individual with psychic medium abilities. A common setting is usually one in which everyone is seated at a circular or oval table that is draped in a colored tablecloth. The number of people present may vary, but a minimum of three is customary. The room is usually darkened and candlelight is used. Guests may bring objects that are associated with the deceased to encourage communication. The psychic medium serves as the communicator, although people attending may experience physical feelings, smells and emotions from the spirit. Evidence of the spirit may come through as responses to questions, either in the form of a knocking noise or actual channeling through the psychic. Sometimes an unwanted entity may present itself. In that case, it must be asked to leave.



Tarot cards are used to interpret the past, present and future or to answer your specific questions. During a reading, the 78-card tarot deck is shuffled, and the cards are laid out as spreads, which can range from a single card to multiple cards. They are placed in a specific pattern and position on the table. Each card and combinations thereof have their own unique meaning, which is interpreted by the reader. Different decks or spreads are used depending on the reader’s preference. Tarot decks are divided into two sections, the Major Arcana (22 cards) and Minor Arcana (56 cards). The Major Arcana cards depict your path throughout life, and the Minor Arcana cards explain life situations and people you might meet. The cards date back to mid-15th century Europe. It was not until the 18th and 19th centuries that tarot cards were used as a divination tool. The Rider-Waite deck was first produced in 1909 and is still popular today because it makes use of psychological interpretations.



A tasseography or tasseomancy reading involves interpreting sediments that remain in a cup of tea, coffee or wine. These sediments form shapes and symbols that can provide information about a person’s life or future. The reader uses a cup and saucer filled with a small amount of the tea, coffee or wine. The person receiving the reading drinks the liquid and at the same time focuses on a specific question. When there is a small amount of liquid left in the cup, the reader turns the cup counterclockwise three times and inverts it onto the saucer. The cup is picked up and the reader interprets the remaining sediment. This divination has origins in Asia, the Middle East and Ancient Greece.



Toe reading is based on the theory that the lines and shapes of your toes hold a holographic record of your life’s story. Each toe reveals emotions, life experiences and character traits. For example, the right foot has a record of the events in your life, while the left foot reveals moral and spiritual growth and understanding. It is an offshoot of pedomancy, which has its roots in ancient China. Toe reading has gained popularity in Western culture today. Many specialized schools are now offering toe reading classes.