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Exam Dreams

Exam dreams about failing an exam, test or audition are very common dreams and can also be very frightening for some people. These dreams not only appear while you are in school, they can be experienced at any point in your life after your formal education.


At face value, if this dream appears while you are still in school, it usually represents your unpreparedness or fear of failure about the test itself. Later in life, after your schooling, this type of dream can awaken the anxieties you had at one time or another is association with taking a test.


They usually occur later in life when suffering from anxiety in your waking life. Perhaps you are under scrutiny at work from a supervisor, co-worker or someone you are in a personal relationship with. This can mean that you are a perfectionist and this dream will manifest itself because you put expectations on yourself that are too high and you are fearful of not meeting them. You might be disorganized in your waking life, which may conjure up a dream that you are late for an exam. You might also be neglecting an important issue in your life or unprepared for a challenge. In that case, you may dream that your pen or pencil breaks, you can’t find the classroom or a seat in which to take the test. Sometime these types of dreams are recurring and continue to do so until you find out their root cause.


On the positive side, not all dreams about exams reflect a fear of failure. You might actually experience passing a test with flying colors in your dream, which reflects that you are feeling confidence and high self-esteem and that you have achieved goals that you have set to accomplish in your life.


As previously stated, the negative aspects of these dreams stem from your subconscious mind and reflect anxieties or fears in your waking life. The best way to eliminate these dreams from recurring is to confront and resolve the issues, which are bringing on this generalized anxiety and fear.