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Astrological Elements

Four Elements

The elemental nature of the zodiac signs stems from ancient Greek philosophers who believed that everything in the universe was made up of one or more of the four basic elements: fire, earth, air and water. Each element contains three zodiac signs and theses signs are known as triplicities. The astrological elements are indications of energies and personality types. The elements have been divided into two groups ? active and passive. Fire and Air signs are considered active. Water and Earth signs are considered passive.


The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire signs represent spirit, warmth and energy. They are enthusiastic, passionate and romantic and also tend to be spontaneous. Fire signs are driven, motivated and often provide inspiration to others. Be careful, if these strengths go overboard, it can be like playing with matches. They might unleash their pushy and forceful sides.


The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Earth signs represent material possessions and security. Earth signs are dependable, no-nonsense and sensible. One might find the earth signs to be people to rely on. They bounce back quickly from obstacles and maladies.


The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Air signs represent communication and intellect. The air signs lack grounding and often try to take on too many projects at once. They seem to not know their limitations. Air signs have their head in the clouds. They are philosophers and enjoy lengthy discussions and debates. They tend to intellectualize within themselves, which, in turn, may have the adverse effect of blocking their inner peace and happiness.


The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Water signs represent emotion, nurturing and intuition. Water signs are the most emotional of all the elements. They have the ability to understand the needs of others what drives them. Water signs are intuitive and can at times, tap into their psychic abilities. They are the caregivers and nurturers. In fact, because water signs are so empathetic and emotional, their feelings can be hurt easily.