Your Tetraktys Spread
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The Fire Card represents your creative force, will, and ambition.

Queen of Coins Reversed

A lack of trust may prevail. Obligations and duties are not attended. Failure is feared.



The Air Card Your current strategies and thoughts concerning your goals


Air denotes freedom and the ability to transcent the mundane. You may be, or may soon experience a spiritual or secular liberation.



The Water Card explores your emotional self.

Five of Cups

That which was expected to bring joy may bring sorrow. Disillusionment with relationships. The loss of friends, partners and lovers.



The Earth Card concerns how you dealing with everyday life.


Prudence provides a clear vision to both the temperal and spiritual aspects of life. The truth and motives behind matters will be seen. Prudence brings courage guided by wisdom with her.



The Creator Card explores that which drives you in new directions.

">The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Chance is not presently favorable. Loss is possible and bravery is required. Beware of impulsiveness and unwarranted risks.



The Sustainer Card depicts that which helping you remain balanced and healthy.

Ace of Coins Reversed

Selfishness, greed and false starts are possible. A life that is unsettled or comfortability that may not be in your best interest.



The Destroyer Card identifies that which must be jettisoned, so you can move forward.


The Ram is energetic, courageous, optimistic and obstinate. The Ram is not a quitter! He will get his way!



The Light Card represents the cosmic force which is guiding you towards fulfillment.

Aries Reversed

Aries reversed denotes a lack of energy and will.



The Dark Card represents the cosmic reaction to your being.

Queen of Swords

Often mournful from loss or infertility. Quick witted, gracious and kind but firm.



The Premise represents the factors that form the the foundation for the entire spread.

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man always represents trials, tribulations and constant struggle. Your path may be a difficult one. However, The Hanged Man does endure to become spiritually wise



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