Your Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon Reading |
The Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon reading presents a balanced path for
the querent to take to reach a successful outcome to a specific question.
The animal spirit that appears in the Grandfather Sun position represents
the active energy that's called for at this time; the animal spirit in the Grandmother Moon
position represents the passive or receptive energy necessary. The Outcome Animal Spirit represents the results
you can expect if you manage to maintain a balanced path. Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions. |
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Grandfather Sun | |||
Frog Rivet! Something in your life needs cleansing, and frog is here to help. Frog is traditionally associated with rainthat powerful force of Nature that can flood, nurture, heal, or drown. If Frog appears in your reading, you're being asked to examine what is stagnating in your lifethen ask Frog to help you let it go. Need to cry? Jump in the shower and let Frog Medicine do its work.
Outcome | |||
When Horse came back to the Americas, he brought with him the ability to move rapidly from place to placeand it's this rapid movement that he brings to you today. Get up, get out of the rut you've created. Grab Horse's mane, pull yourself onto his back and let him carry you across the plains of your life. The time for being stuck is over.
Grandmother Moon | |||
Eagle soars high enough to see the grand panorama of life, and yet has vision keen enough to spot a fish a mile away. How's your vision? Are you seeing the big picture or are you only concentrating on the fish? Eagle is asking you to take a step back so you can once again see the whole. You've gotten so lost in the trees you've forgotten the forest.
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