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Psychic Protection

On your journey toward psychic development, it is important to understand and practice the technique of psychic protection, or psychic shielding. Whether or not you are psychic, you can use these methods to protect yourself from harboring another person’s negative emotions, either from the physical or spirit worlds.


Your mind and body are great receivers. Sensitivity to stimuli around you triggers gut feelings on an emotional level. Although you cannot avoid all of your emotional responses, you can protect yourself from many of the unwanted ones. These negative feelings may not have come from within you; they may have come from an outside source.


The auras around your body reveal information about your emotions and responses. Because you can project your auras to others, this makes you vulnerable to other people’s aura projections.


For example, some people have difficulty being in large crowds or get the feeling that someone is sucking out all of their positive energies, like a psychic vampire. This makes them feel dizzy and closed in, not feeling like themselves and even having disturbing dreams. Whether you are a psychic, empath, intuitive, highly sensitive person or a healer working with energies, you have probably experienced these feelings at some time in your life.


At times it is difficult to identify the cause of your discomfort. It can take a lot of soul searching and insight into your encounters with others. It may take another psychic to help pinpoint the source, as he or she is sensitive to positive and negative energies, and particularly to those coming from the spirit world.


The following steps should be taken in order to keep you protected from invasion. Stay physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy. Focus on personal grounding. When you are weak in any of these areas you are more susceptible to illness and depression. Many meditations focus on grounding, particularly those that incorporate the chakrasBalanced and aligned chakras are a main factor in keeping your auras healthy and protected. A heightened sense of awareness and good feeling will be realized.


Also, you can visualize that your body is being showered with an imaginary bubble of white light. This white light is your protection. It emotionally guards you from the negative energies and feelings that are projected on you from others. Continue by imagining your auras glowing in a bright, blue light. This visualization amplifies your positive emotions of morality, good and love. There is no room for any opposing energies.


Finally, call upon your angels, spirit guides and God for protection. With their assistance, you will further empower yourself and be shielded from any psychic attacks or negative attachments.

For more information on developing psychic abilities, visit the Learning Room.